
What are your reasons for supporting Russia or supporting US regarding Georgia??

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I am a person that lived in Abhazia for all my life and we were always trying to get away form Georgias regime and so far the only country that has giving us a hand is Russia. And believe me Georgia is very good at misinforming and putting up a front. They say Russia started everything but don't you think that if there's a village that is being attacked buy russians and russians are burning everything that the people would run to Georgia for help. But no they run to the country that's supposedly killing people and burning their homes. Why doesn't anyone stop and ask those people what happened.

To me Saakashville is no diffrent from Saddam Husseinn and if you ask me Saddamm was a Saint compared to Saakashville. I feel so frustrated that the press paints this portrait of Georgia as this poor little country that is being punished by big bad Russia.

But the way Georgia behave itselfes nobody sees. Does anybody ask why South Oseti and Abhazia dont want to be a part of Georgia.

Maybe it's because 1992 Gerogia atackeded without warning buring peak of summer when thousands were at the beach, families children they started throwing bombs down at the beach killing thousand they would shoot down planes that were evacutating women and children. They would go into every home and rape and kill children while they made the fathers watch. They cut up in peices a wife of a Georgian man because she wasnt the same race. burning people alive killing everyone leaving no witnessess behind, they would walk the streets tounting people asking what race of meat they wanted russian abzahian or armenian. Did anyone know that they killed doctors that would treat anyone eles other than their soilders I know because my aunt was a sergical assistant. And if not for russia they would have wiped abhazians off the face of the earth. and forgive me that i dont bleed for the b******s that freed all their prisoners and said go kill as many as you want leaving no one behind they kill 100000's of people. and thats the Georgian regime that i know that has been in power the last two decades and though the leaders have changed they're tackticks have only gotten worse. And those Georgian's that have tried to take over Georgia have either vanished or dropped dead with no appeartent reason.




  1. You must realise that the news in the US and UK, is not news, but propaganda, as simple as that.

    The US wants a presence wherever it can have one, and one next to Russia is very valuable to them, so Georgia suddenly becomes our best friend, of whom we will hear no ill.

    I'm not on either side, they are both corrupt, I am on the side of people who get in the way of the horrible politics, innocents of all complexions who get killed for nothing apart from the pompous pointless struttings, and posturings, of the Bush's and Putins of this world.

  2. Compared to most in the US, I  guess Isupport Russia. I realize that they were attacked, and I don't think Georgia has any right to South Ossetia or Abkhazia (which were not apart of Georgia until given to Georgia by Joseph Dzhugashvili, a Georgian).

    On the other hand, while Russia was, IMO, justified to go into Abkhazia and South Ossetia to prevent what would probably have been a genocide, I think they were wrong to keep going deep into Georgia. Doing so allowed the West to ignore the Georgian aggression that started the war and make Georgia look like a victim, which it wasn't.

  3. I'm so sorry for all the h**l you, your family and your country (?) have gone through.

    No one knows but you - because the USA news spends almost NO time reporting eal important news.  

    Anyway, If you really want to get your word, have someone to listen to you, I suggest you go to this sight I posted below.

    Repeat everything you've said here in an email to Alex Jones.  I'm sure he will call you to talk to you.

    You will be heard, believe me.

  4. Russia invaded the borders of Georgia. Period. If there was some kind of problem going on in Georgia, Russia should have tried to work it out diplomatically. Additionally, Russia didn't just go into the areas where there were problems and "protect" its citizens as it claimed it was doing, it has gone far into Georgia, murdered many, destroyed cities and looted homes of valuables. How is that in any way protecting its citizens? The n***s did the same thing when they annexed the Sudetenland and Austria all in the name of "protecting" its citizens there.

    I haven't heard any of what you claim to have happened in Georgia and I would need some independent, un-biased sources to backup your claims before I believe them. I wouldn't be surprised if you worked for the Russian's somehow.  

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