
What are your recommendations on how to solve the continuos oil price increase??

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the simplest possible way please..




  1. The price should NOT be prevented from increasing.  The price is artificially subsidized by military adventurism abroad.  Cheap oil discourages alternative energy and conservation.  The US defense budget should be funded by a tax on imported oil

  2. Biofuels might sound appealing, but raise other problems (fuels the increase in food prices, encourages deforestation, etc...) and still isn't considered as clearly "renewable".

    Actually the only long-term solution is to lower consumption, first by finding technical solution to save gas (hybrid technologies, insulation,...), then by inventing (or re-inventing...) local development systems which could reduce the need for transportation.

  3. Ethanol.  Cleaner.  Renewable.  Massive potential job market.  After all, wouldn't you rather be growing corn than drinking oil?

  4. The increase in food prices wow man Im sorry you lose right there, learn a little about inflation oil and corn would trade spots, why is it we always find ourselves in the same spot in history and still me the same dumb decisions, I guess thats the only good reason to fight a war if you ask me to break a cycle, but some that has real life in it becoming a natural resource sounds like an awesome idea, instead of black oil that fuels cars and also wars, maybe there is something too it, shall I live with the idiocracy further or shall something be done.

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