
What are your secrets?

by  |  earlier

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what are some of your secrets that not many people know

nothing gross

can just be little, like you ate a whole pizza by yourslef last night




  1. im awesome

  2. I dot a f in english during elementary school.  I was kinda  a nerd in middle and high school and to be honest i didnt even remember it till I helped my parents move and Mom was looking through some old pictures and stuff.  I saw that grade card.  I think it was like 3rd grade english.  

  3. Hi !

    Well, I have been eating a lot and I need to start a diet on monday.

    Bye !!!

  4. Well my closest friends no just about everything

    i dont really have a real secret though

  5. If I told you, I'd have to kill you

  6. I fell for a guy who I knew was taking advantage of me. He's gone now but I know if he came back around I'd be his. I'm too weak.

  7. if i told u it wouldnt be a secret

  8. my secrets will die with me

  9. Everyone sux


  10. I'm realizing that I have traded my addiction to drugs and alcohol for an addiction to candy,pizza and all around unhealthy food.Since being sober I have went from 140 lbs to about 220 and I am starting to look like peter griffin from family guy haha,ok not that bad but I have gained a lot of weight and am now trying to get my weight down to a healthy 160 and kick my sugar,fat addiction.

  11. watching ****

  12. I am 19 years old and I sometime choose to play the game rather then go out!!!

    ugh so terribly loner like..I kno lol
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