
What are your sleeping times/hours?

by  |  earlier

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i know roughly your supposed to sleep 7 - 8 hours

but ..

what time do you go to bed ?


what time do you wake up ?

[roughly?] + for me its around 3am - 11am llol =/




  1. since i commute to college...i go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6 am. its not the recomeneded amount but i cant fall asleep easily before then.

  2. I have two small kids at home. So I sleep rarely. It is for sissies at our house. It is recommended however that an average  person sleep between 6-9 hours of sleep. It varies by age. This is for adults 18-over. Some however require less others require more. I need but three good hours and I am good. Meditation helps clear the webs.


  3. what time do you go to bed ?

    around 10pm or 11:30 pm

    what time do you wake up ?

    around 7am or 8am

  4. bed at 9- 10ish

    wake up for school at 7am =|

  5. I'm in bed between 10 and midnight most nights, but my insomnia won't let me fall asleep until around 3am, then I get up at 5am.

  6. for school usually 12 - 1 sometimes 2 or 3

    wake up at 6 20. bus leaves at 6 45.  

    weekends usually 3 -4 wake up at 4 - 5 in the afternoon  

  7. school, so its 11-12 wake up at 7, i know its 8 hours, but i feel dead when i wake up

  8. off to work I go it;s off to bed between 9:30 -11:00 PM and wake around 5AM. Feel alright if it's a sound sleep,but there are many nights I toss and turn a lot making me want an afternoon nap!

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