
What are your summer plans?

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What are your summer plans?




  1. Great question!  Right now, just work but if possible I would love to visit my family down south or visit the West Coast since I will apply to go to school out there.  What I would want above all of that is to visit Puerto Rico or Brazil! Mostly because I never been there and I heard its awesome.

  2. I'm working at a camp for the Salvation Army. After that I'm going to a creative arts conservatory, and after that I'm going to Musicamp.

  3. I have no summer plans , with the gas prices

    it limits my driving , I heard in the 2 or 3 yrs

    gasoline could go to $10.00 a gallon .........

    I dont think that would be good , how would people

    get to work .........I say mopheads would be a good

    seller now .........take less gas ..........

    I know a man who ride his bike to work daily

    except for bad weather ........been doing this

    for year , just imagination how much money he

    has saved in the last 25 yrs or longer ......

    He ride about 3 or 4 miles , both ways , aday .

  4. Well here in Australia we are about to go into winter shortly and as of this weekend coming we are about to set sail north of Brisbane for two months and sail around the islands of the east coast.

  5. really nothing so far.

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