
What are your sweetest dreams?

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What are your sweetest dreams?




  1. my sweetest dream??..uhmm..when im with my friends and my bf having fun at the beach..talking bout funny stories etc..

  2. funny you should ask ... the sweetest of all of my dreams  is the one ,where  I actually  got rid of all religious fanatics and all politicians,  as a result  everyone  is doing what they like to do , in a sense Utopia ...  It works in my dreams .. now the question is   "how to make it  true ?"  most of my dreams are about world changes ... and they are the sweetest  dreams one could have  with all the pleasures included of course..

    So Sweet dreams  and be well ...

  3. The ones where i find my knight in shining armor and ride off with him into the sunset and our love only grows with every passing day.........I think it's time for bed!Lol!

  4. a dream wherein i fell down the stairs and after the incident i found out that i had the power of remote viewing--i also had a dream wherein a beautiful girl spanked me and spill some kind of acid all over my face but i think its sweet

  5. Mine are winning the powerball lottery for $250.000.000 and doing all kinds of cool stuff for my family and friends.

  6. The ones in which people don't die.

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