
What are your ten issues with Republicans?

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1. Answer every question with lies and deflections.

2. Promise to regulate private lives while they sell the country from under our feet.

3. Ignore any facts that don’t support their views: the price of gas, the deficits, and the number of home foreclosures, as well as, rising poverty and “outsourcing” America.

4. Ignore that a vote for McCain is approval for 8 more years of pulling money out of the middle class.

5. Enjoy listening to puppets read one line of rhetoric once a day, stay the course.

6. Ruthless and hypocritical.

7. Eyes, mind, and feet are focused on death in heaven while America is sold to the highest bidder, Big Oil, China, and Walmart.

8. Use broad undefined words to brainwash people.

9. Only have one issue and that is to regulate a woman's uterus, never mind family privacy, war killing, orphan children, tubal pregnancies, or becoming a surrogate for unwanted. Does life end at birth?

10. Put money, church, sports and entertainment before country.




  1. 1. Insistence that Christianity is the one religion in the US and that we should follow biblical law

    2. The claims that they are fiscally conservative after 8 years of the Bush administration

    3. Their anti-choice position on abortion which is contrary to their argument of individual rights

    4. Their disregard for any type of gun law to make guns less accessible to people that are criminals or are mentally handicapped.

    5. Their use of smear tactics to win elections

    6. Their instance on laws banning g*y marriage.

    7. Their use of military force for no reason

    8. Their appointments to the supreme court

    9. tax cuts for big businesses and the weathiest 1%

    10. lack of acceptance of scientific phenomenon such as Global Warming and Evolution

  2. 1.  Get us into unncessary wars and threaten others

    2.  Aren't good with money and run the country into huge debt to China

    3.  Are not diverse and inclusive

    4.  Are against women's reproductive rights

    5.  Try to force their idea of family values on others

    6.  Are against g*y rights

    7.  Are against civil rights of all kinds

    8.  Don't believe in climate change and do nothing to stem it

    9.  Believe in trickle-down economics and tax cuts for the very rich

    10. Redistribute wealth from the middle class to the very wealthy in an attempt to enrich themselves and destroy the middle class

  3. 1.Controlling unemployment

    2 keeping jobs here in the USA

    3 Not raising taxes on companies that do outsource

    4 Foregin policy

    5 the war in iraq

    6 The economy

    7 Alternative fuels

    8 Giving tax cuts to those who are wealthy

    9 healthcare

    10 Social security

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