
What are your thought about solange's behavior on news 5 vegas?

by  |  earlier

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if you watched the news clip and saw how she acted do you agree with how she composed herself? do you also think this will affect her cd sales. love her music or hate it?




  1. pfft, typical arrogant spoilt brat

    i don't think i would of bought it anyway but even so, you just have to go with the flow no matter what

  2. I hate when famous people think just because their family members are famous and can sing then that means they can too...

  3. I don't agree with her behavior. She called the journalist "unprofessional" when Solange was pretty unprofessional herself saying "please don't talk about my brother-in-law, um yeah (head bop)" I felt she was pretty rude. I can understand that she is probably tired of being in her sister's shadow, but she could be a little more humble. I don't know if this will have an effect on her CD sales. As far as her music I do like her song "I Decided" , but I can't stand her vocals. Her voice sounds very forced to me for some reason.  

  4. She's just tired of always having to be compared with Beyonce. I wouldn't blame her. If you like her music, then you like her music. Go buy the album if you want to.

  5. She's ghetto!  She's got no class.  She's only got an album coming out because she's Beyonce's little sister.  She definately needs media training!

  6. i saw this on t.v. and was SO annoyed by what she said.  even if they had introduced her with whatever the h**l she was talking about, she could have handled it in a better way. a lot better, in my opinion. especially if she's there to promote her album. the host was sweet about it though, and i thought it was funny that the guy who told her that that section wasn't even aired was unapologetic in his manner.

    i just think she looked like such an idiot and it was painstaking to hear her talk.. she DRONES. now, i love beyonce but i feel like she and solange are a little slow?? i think it's just the way they talk, slow and in a monotone. i don't think it will affect her music sales much (if at all) and all the reviews i've seen of it are positive.

    either way, i hope she feels like an idiot for how she acted (so annoying) but she probably won't.. stars usually don't feel responsible for their actions.. no matter if they're on the B list..

  7. I didn't think it was necessary for her to call the lady unprofessional because they wanted at least an opinion on her about brother in law's club. I don't think they or even we want to hear about more than 10 minutes of her new cd.

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