
What are your thoughts? Initially I thought this question was tongue in cheek. Until I read the askers comment

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This was his question:

Now that England, Scotland and Ireland have no chance of winning the 6 nations?

Shouldn't the tournament be cancelled as interest is running low?

1 day ago

I wouldn't be so sure on that nonenzedder

1 day ago

It's only the 6 nations, now if Wales or France could get in the final of the World cup, now that would be special

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I think they should cancel the tournament from being shown in England. This is due to the English suicide rate possibly increasing this weekend. LOL

1 day ago

Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: No, the English wouldn't kill themselves over something so trivial, it's not Bridgend.

Good luck on Saturday.




  1. I only got as far as the first paragraph.  England, scotland and ireland have no chance because they have played c**p all tournament.  France v Wales will be good.

  2. It is totally despicable!

    I am constantly asking myself: why people don't care and where is the compassion in our world!

    I don't normally mention religion, but sadly the story of the 'Good Samaritan' is as applicable today, as when it was first written!

  3. It's a slightly insulting question with some rude and close-to-the-knuckle answers and banter.  

    I think it's basically harmless chit-chat between rugby fans who either did or didn't want England, Ireland or Scotland to win the slam, or who do or do not want to see France or Wales to do well.  

    I didn't notice a single opinion on Italy (did I miss it?), which implies they are still having a big problem getting taken seriously in the game.

    Overall I suspect it is intended to be tongue-in-cheek, but just a little "close to the edge" for this forum, and clearly caused offence to some.

    I wouldn't report it, nor would I take offence, if that's what you're asking, but it probably does violate all of the yahoo criteria for a proper question in one single attempt.

  4. ssome english fans dont like at rugby/football,they should be used to it by for the hanging debate,what can one say about ones intelligence.

  5. what an ****, jolly good, lets throw some shrimp on the barbie mat and roll our knickers up and jump in a trolly pit

  6. I could care less.. no interest at all who wins it....I am waiting for the Tennis to start.  whoopee

  7. I totally agree with you. Sad little insects are often drawn to bright lights, Wales and the poodle are shinny brightly at the moment so . . . get a few insects.

    It is annoying that so many one post wankers find their way on here, but comes with the territory. Expect a flood of negativity if Wales win and even more if the poodle manage to douse the dragon's flames.

    Shame more people didn't heed the wise words of Nonenzedder.

  8. I'm surprised welsh chick you take it to heart.  its probably a BBC commentator practising for saturday.   i have become used to the english inferiority that rears itself as so called banter.  there is a classic scene on telly when Gordon strachan was asked as Scotland was out would he be supporting england and he replied no I'm Scottish and he was pushed a couple of times to make a decision, " yes i know but if you were" and strachan turns round and says, live on telly, if i was english i would go outside now and shoot myself.

    I'm suprised there isn't a bigger suicide rate in england. i mean after all you have to feel sorry for them and remember that there all a bit special.  I mean there english after all how worse can it get for them.

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