
What are your thoughts about demi and ashton kutcher?

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do you think its right?




  1. Ha ha ha! Berrygir... on here thinks you are talking about Demi Lovato!

    But I do think Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher look good together...I just don't feel like Demi is as wild and crazy as Ashton who is a complete prankster.

    They are cute together but I think I like Cameron Diaz and Ashton together!

    Those two seem right for each other because they are both so full of energy!

  2. majpr age difference. demi is only sixteen and ashton is like way older than her so yeah


    if they werent so far apart in age it might work out

  3. yeah, I think they look cute together

  4. well personally i think she is to old!!!!! its not just because im jealous but also because she is frickin 16 years older than him, that shuld like be a law not to date 10 years or over, i mean what is he gonna do when she turns 61 and hes 45??!! plastic surgery aint gonna last forever i mean sooner or later she is gonna have to face the fact that she is old!!!

  5. I think they are a cute couple and if they think its true love than its fine.

    There is an age difference but who cares? What does it matter?  

  6. ew. demi looks better w/ cody

    not with joe. never.

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