
What are your thoughts about the 'Farmers' Almanac' forcasting more snow and record low temperatures?

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The Farmers' Almanac has an accuracy rate of 80 - 85% when it comes to forecasting weather and climate. They are currently predicting that the climate is going to be far below normal with record levels of snow across the country except for the far west and southeast experiencing near normal climate.

Seeing that Denver already got snow this year, does this forecast make sense to you?

Do you think that this year is going to be a harder winter than last year?




  1. I like the Farmers' Almanac.  It has lots of good puzzle and homilies, as well as interesting stories and it tells you the moon phases.  As for weather forecasts, I've always found their forecasts to be complete garbage.  Perhaps they work on average some places, but not where I'm at.

    Is that where most deniers get their climate forecasts?

    By the way, snow in Denver is not unusual during the winter months, so it isn't surprising that Denver has had snow this year.  It would be remarkable if it HAD snowed there during the summer, but it has not. Perhaps you're confusing Denver with the Rocky Mountains.

  2. Looking at the sun, I would say a definite yes.

    Funny, Farmers Almanac does a better job of predicting future weather than all the climate modelers and Jim Hansen put together.

  3. Seem's even the farmers don't believe in global warming.  

    It'll be the same then as last winter ... lots more snow and very cold temperatures.  Global cooling is the new fad - does this mean that Al Gore and his buddies successfully fought off the "global warming" demon and won?  Lol!

  4. Obviously a right wing propaganda rag. The farmers folks are in the pocket of big oil. Besides, isn't GW also supposed to cause major cooling leading to another ice age? I'm sorry. I get confused as to what I am supposed to believe from the GW folks.

  5. This is a perfect example of global warming.

  6. Global Warming at it's best my dear,take heed and change your ways before it's to late.

  7. If they had came up with a glitzy scientific label, instead of FA. The uknow who's would be quoting them constantly. Something like the International Agricultural Consensus Commission. They are what I call; making a "honest buck'.

  8. I live in Maine. Last winter reminded me of the Winters we had year after year after year during the 60's and 70's. I'm pretty sure the Northern Hemisphere had hard winters as well then. If the Farmer's Almanac is right about this winter we have another decade or two like we did prior to the 90s across the planet then what do we do about Al Gore and his fraud campaign?

  9. My thoughts on the 'Farmers' Almanac' forcasting...

    It's only for the United States. The global climate doesn't fall into lock step with the US.

    This forum is for Gloabal Warming, correct?

  10. I believe it, if this winter isn't as cold or colder than last, the earth will have responded differently than it normally does when sunspot activity is low. And that is one of the main variables that the Farmers Almanac use to forecast long range weather.  

  11. Your answer is right in the link you gave us, nice try.

    From the link, "While he wouldn't comment specifically on the almanac's ability to forecast the weather two years from now, O'Lenic said it's generally impossible to come up with accurate forecasts more than a week in advance.

    "Of course it's possible to prepare a forecast with any lead time you like. Whether or not that forecast has any accuracy or usable skill is another question,"

  12. 80% - 85% accuracy rate?

    My thought is this: Dr. James Hansen definitely does not work for Farmers Almanac.

  13. Farmers know best

  14. I hope it gets cold soon. It's hot down here in Phoenix.

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