
What are your thoughts about the gas prices and economy??

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I'm only 13 and whoaaa, I have so many thoughts on it;

I think gas prices are crazy, the minimun wage isn't helping either. Technology is killing the enviroment. You should help animals and all but maybe try to save your soul first....&the government is dumb not to get oil from Alaska and the other reserves. I'm waiting to see what next retarted things scientist come up with...& i'm scared to see what happens when we run out of oillllll. Thoughts, opinions?




  1. As a 13 year old I am impressed that you are even looking at the state of the economy.

    As a much older person I agree with you the gas prices are crazy, food cost are outrageous and the pay scale is not keeping up with inflation.

    Personally I believe that we are too dependent on crude oil, and I am hoping that young smart people like yourself will come up with alternative fuels that will save the world. ;)

    Until then I am riding my motorcycle to work and consuming as little as possible.

  2. First of all, bad girl your point of wages not keeping up with inflation is kind of off-base.  But, another important thing is your point on min wage (did you mean it's not helping because it's too low?)  That is my guess and that assertion is wrong.  The min wage is binding (look that up, you will learn something) and thus causes unemployment.  Min wage is too high by definition.  If it wasn't, people would not make that wage! Again, look it up.  I think the gas price problem is not that prices are too high.  No, the problem is the lack of foresight to see these problems.  I don't like the price of gas  (as such I drive less).  People act like it should be lower.  But, I disagree.  I think that the way things have been handled, the price is obviously correct.  Prices that are determined by supply and demand are obviously right (again, if you don't know up on it).  Basic supply and demand is something all people should learn, but they won't.  Anyways, the economy's main problem is not the high prices.  Wages will catch up so in the meantime, DEAL with it.  I think that there are many things you can do to SAVE money.  For instance, don't go out to the bar, buy a case of beer.  Another thing, plans your trips.  That's all you can do.

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