
What are your thoughts of the 5 year old autistic child being voted out of class by his classmates?

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at the urging of the teacher.According to the news the teacher has been reassigned......IMHO she should never be allowed to work near kids again

what are your thoughts




  1. wow! just wow! that poor little guy! a 5 year old should not be made to feel such hard rejection. he can't help being autistic. you aren't supposed to have little kids act like that; like kindergarten is survivor.

  2. Guys, crazy stuff happens frequently in schools where staff is unsupervised by uninvolved or stretched-too-thin administrators.  Last year, my school had 150 plus classroom personnel and three administrators... yeah you could do whatever you pretty much wanted to do.  The best interest of the students are frequently ignored.  The teacher beside me often left his class ten minutes before lunch started so that he could beat the traffic out of the parking lot.    This left his high school class unsupervised... ANYTHING could have happened.  Teachers frequently napped during the day because of their third shift part-time needed them to work OT.  Another teacher  allowed his students to use his and/or his family's address as their home address for school zone purposes.  A few years back a teacher and a recently graduated senior moved into together so that she could go to college.  (He was 22/23 and she was nearly 19, so it was overlooked.) I could go on and on... teachers have a lot of power and control... and, sadly, no one really taking a whole lot of stock into the teacher's personal opinions when being hired.

  3. Who the heck ever let her become a teacher? They should put her out and the 5 yr old back in. It will be great learning experience for the other children.

  4. I'm glad actions were taken, by  law for at least one hour a special ed student should be in a regular ed class this is called mainstreaming, and this is decided by the people who work with the student like teachers, therapist, and of course parents at a meting called an IEP.

  5. She should never be able to teach children or even have children. What a *****. She is teaching the other kids to discriminate against people with disabilities. How can kids vote a child out of class?

  6. that's awful that that happened!!

  7. How do you vote someone out of a class? I've never heard of such a thing. But that's pretty strange. At the urging of his teacher? That's ridiculous... teachers like that should not be allowed to teach.

  8. It's completely illegal and unethical. If the teacher truly felt that the placement for that child was inappropriate, then she should have spoken with his special education case manager about it first and then requested an IEP meeting to discuss placement options.

  9. I think its reprehensible!

    As mom to a kid with aspergers (a form of autism), I can tell you that this is not an isolated incident. Kids on the spectrum are treated like this on a daily basis across this country, if not across the world. My son has suffered thru a number of abusive teachers, bus drivers, & other school staff who have done & said horrific things -- not to mention people on the street who feel the need to make comments about him & other children whose parents allow them to insult & hurt him physically, then say "boys will be boys".

    Its too bad, as a society, we've forgotten to teach compassion.

  10. i just saw that and i think it's VERY uncool, to say the least. i'm a mother of three and i'd be livid if my child was singled out and made a spectacle of like that. i also saw on my local news where a teacher gave a class assignment for the kids to single out which kids they thought would drop out, get into drugs or become teenage moms and why they thought this. this is not the way to teach our kids to be. to single out those who are different and make them feel unwanted, unloved or worthless? to single out kids that may or may not make the wrong decisions or make mistakes, as if they can never be worthy of recovery or success? i don't think some teachers should even be teaching our children. a child can teach us all how to be, if we just pay attention. a child is not born with hate. a child is not born knowing race or religion or wether someone is handicapped or not. they only know love and acceptance and teachers like that ruin that in a child! we should nurture their love and acceptance of others and try to remember that in ourselves.

  11. Typical school system c**p. Every day there is yet another thing that makes me happy that I homeschoolated after 6th grade. That is terrible, and you're right. That teacher should have her license yanked. I think she should get voted out of ALL classrooms!

  12. UNFAIR.......duh!!!

  13. That's insane - I agree with you, I don't think she should ever teach anywhere again. To have such an unprofessional and sadistic voting in Kindergarten is unconscionable.  

    I have a 9 year old son who has high functioning autism.  So far his teachers and aides have been beyond wonderful.  i cannot even fathom such a thing happening not only in his school, but ANY school.,2933,3589...

  14. I have not heard the news story.  It is wrong to exercise discrimination on the basis of a handicap such as autism.  The child should be given every opportunity that is feasible to have a normal lifestyle and a good quality of life, including the best education available.

    If the child's autism is of a nature that he or she continuously disrupts the class and strikes out physically at other students and destroys property, the classroom teacher may have reason to have the child removed in the interest of the other students.  The teacher would not be exercising a vindictive approach under such circumstances, provided the reasons they were genuine.  Even under these circumstances, however, every effort is usually made to accommodate the child and improve his/her behaviour.  The matter should not be taken to a vote.  The decison should be made by the classroom teacher, the child's parents and the principal of the school, as well as by other support staff who are working with the child.  The children should never be involved in decison making at such a level, even if they are older than five.  The observed impact of the child's behaviour on the other students by responsible adults should suffice.  The actions sound cruel and they would have been hurtful to the child, even if his or her behaviour is difficult for others to understand.

    I do not know the specific details of the incident.

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