
What are your thoughts of the Yankees already coming into the second half?

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With Cano starting to heat up batting .526 in the second half they are hitting their stride




  1. Well since it's only a week into the second half I don't think you can count that .526. Let's wait until they've played more than 10 games to see. The s*****e's can't catch the Red Sox anyway. They are going to be pounded by left-handers until Posada and Matsui come back. They are done son!

  2. their goin to get really close but might not make it unless the rays falter, the bats are finally waking up, especially cano, but i think a trade would re kindle more flame with in the clubhouse just to show they are willing to win

  3. I think the Yankees are off to a great second half & still lots of games still to be played but I say they make the post season once again

  4. They are going to win the World Series

  5. They just won 4 straight including a 12-4 victory over the Twins last night!  They are definitely playing like a World Series team now!

  6. I think that people are starting to panic because they see this happen every year.  Yankee haters were beginning to believe that this would be the year.  But now, they are not so sure. You could talk about 3rd place and point out weaknesses but the fact is that they are only a few games out of first place and right in the mix.  They have as good of a chance of making the playoffs as anyone , except the angels.  Sorry haters.

  7. Yankees still have a long way to go, they still have boston and tampa ahead of them, so they need to get hot and win.

  8. Yankees are doing great in the second half with Damon back in the lineup and Cano is on fire. Their bullpen is starting to heat up! I think they'll make it to the playoffs!

  9. Yankees still have a battle, but they are never out of any race. They will probably win the wild card.

  10. It will be tough to make the playoffs but if they can keep this up they could make it. They've done well so far in the second half.

  11. My concern is with Posada going on the DL. He was on it in the beginning of the season. Once he got off, the Yankees started coming back and winning games. Now, with him back on the DL, hopefully it won't mess up their chances.

  12. they are 3 games out of the AL wild card and 4 out of the AL east. but its their time to shine with cano batting 526. in july and a-rod and jeter are getting hot this month too.

  13. Well as a Yankee fan, you couldn't ask for a better start to the second half. I know there is still a lot more baseball left to be played but I like what I see so far.

  14. 3rd place still

  15. well .526 in 4 games is streaking and sounds alott better when you say "second half" instead of 4 games lol

    but they are coming on strong against some good opponents. sexson is showing some signs of good things and the pitching is stepping it up big time

    the only question now is can they deal without posada the rest of the season. there is a chance he may not play again this year. if molina steps up they can surely contend

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