
What are your thoughts on 9/11?

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Was it a terror attack or did the government have any involvement ,please explain your answers




  1. i think there is some govt. involvement

  2. It doesn't matter who did, a terror attack is a terror attack.

  3. It wasn't a conspiracy.

    If you believe that out of the thousands of people who would have to be involved, not a single one managed to let anything slip or even had the tiniest bit of a conscience about killing thousands of innocent civilians in the biggest secret conspiracy in history - why would some college student get away with posting a video about it?

    Surely if everyone is so heartless and cruel and the government is so powerful and omnipotent it could easily have killed the person who originally started it or even removed the video/shut down the website.

  4. Look at the other wars we have been involved in.  Do you not see that each war was brought on by one particular catalyst (in regards to the U.S. sticking there nose in).  that is kinda fishy to me.  I mean Hitler used this same tactic to accelerate germany into war.   If you have about 2 hours you would like to spend wraping your brain around a new concept watch this.

  5. You need to keep in mind it was politics as usual.....

  6. George bush knew about the whole ******* thing.

  7. From all of the coverage on this incident, I've only learned it was a terrorist attack and nothing beyond that.

    Who is saying the Gov't had anything to do with it.

    You should watch the Documentary coming up on the 9/11.  We all can learn more from that fateful day and maybe learn what we didn't know.

  8. It's difficult to determine exactly what happened when somebody is trying to keep you from understanding it.

    The fact is, that Building 7, which is hundreds of feet away from the Trade Center crumbled into a pile several hours after the main buildings were destroyed.  Building 7 was not struck by anything.

  9. Conspiracy.

    You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

  10. government involved.

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