
What are your thoughts on American Gymnastics Team Final performance?

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I personally think that we totally blew it in the team final tonight. I think that Sacramone is the reason we fell behind, for such a veteran she totally f*cked it up. Big disappointment.




  1. We should have done better.  Shawn Johnson's beam score and other things make me believe that China has gone too far.  If any one knows any one who is able to measure the floor for floor routine, I'll bet it's wrong, and China sneaking in girls who haven't been through puberty yet is wrong.  Not only do the chinese count age different making their people a year younger than that of most other countries they also have suspected to have lied on their passports.  I think there should be an investigation of some sort because while the US sucked China didn't actually do that well but their scores say otherwise.  it's the opposite for many other countries too.  Like I know the rules the balance checks and all these other things are only OPTIONAL to take .10 of a point?!  that is crazy!  It shouldn't be optional because these judges are at Olympic level, they should not show favoritism because the Olympics isn't a popularity contest like at much lower levels.  Like Bela said the new scoring system leaves too much room for favoritism.    There is something disgusting in the water and it isn't p**p.

  2. I feel a little bad for Sacramone, but the fact that the United States would have a hard time winning (if Sacramone hadn't fell) showed that the Chinese team was superior in difficulty and technique. Sacramone's falls did not account for the whole difference between the scores of China and the US.

  3. We are lucky we got the bronze. After our two best had to drop out. Many thought that there was no way that we would even get a medal. So I think we actually did good.

  4. in my opinion they sucked. and china was flawless.

    So many people say this and that abut them.... but they truly deserve it.  

  5. Sacramone  falling was not the only thing that undid the U.S team, the commentators even stated that china came into this with higher difficulties so either the U.S team had to be perfect or China had to falter  

  6. disappointing. i dont totally want to blame alicia, but it started with her and went down hill from there. i really think the usa had a chance to win the gold. i think the chinese were good on the vault and parallel bars but the usa was good overall. the falls and going out of bounds is what did it.

  7. The chinese girls deserved it. They were so good with little experience while alicia was a veteran and chocked.

    She seriously messed up twice. They had a bit opening to get the gold after China messed up but Alicia totally didn't take advantage of it. As much as people would like to think it wasn't all her really was. Those were two fatal blows to the team that were looking close to gold. At the end the Chinese had to average less than 14.6 which is so easy. It was like giving candy to a baby after that. The chinese found a blessing in Alicia but they totally deserved the gold!

  8. Her fall on the beam was a big disappointment.  Although, in her defense, that is a tough mount.

    But I'm really disappointed in Marta Karolyi.  You do not put someone in that state of mind on the final apparatus.  I don't care if Bridget Sloan can't pull off what she could in terms of scores.  h**l, I'd put in Chellsie Memmel in with her one good ankle.  I think that's also the reason Katie Hoff didn't win anything tonight.  She's still upset about that missed gold in the 400 freestyle event.  And now her performance is suffering.

    90% of everything is mental.

    melissa: We're talking about Women's gymnastics here.  If you want to congratulate the men, you'll need to find a different question.

  9. Don't you think that's a little harsh of you to say? She let her nerves get the best of her, and yes, it did mess her up. At least she's in the Olympics, which is a huge honor!

  10. Well I was disappointed as soon as she missed the balance beam I was like we're doomed. But overall the other young ladies I thought did pretty good. Unfortunately Sacramone let the nerves get the best of her.  

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