
What are your thoughts on Anne Boleyn?

by Guest45007  |  earlier

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Any thoughts at all.




  1. she was a b***ch

  2. I think it was terrible that young girls were used by their families for political gain.

  3. Basically, the wrong woman at the wrong time.  Even though she was intelligent, and was actually one of the impetuses for the formation of the Protestant church, she was too invested in attaining rank and privilege, and then became desperate to stay Queen, and was unable to produce "the goods" , i.e., a prince.

    A classic case of "what goes around, comes around," -- at least, as far as Catherine of Aragon is concerned!  I can't help but think that it was a shame that Catherine of Aragon couldn't have lived six more months, to see Anne, the woman that destroyed her marriage, be executed.

  4. i believe she was used by her family and INCREDIBLY misunderstood in history - there was so much more going on politically during her years as queen that the outcome of her death was nothing that she could have stopped. we never really will know because of how skewed history can get

  5. uhhhh she had terrible taste in men

  6. off with her head

  7. She was a creepy, GREEDY, little person who, pretending to do "things" for her family, did just what she wanted for herself. She caused great suffering across an entire Nation.

    She got hers.

    I do think she was WAY too young to understand what she was being forced into. She reminds me (kid of) of our teenagers of today - gimme, gimme, gimme.

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