
What are your thoughts on Heathrow being sold off.. ?

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What do you think of Heathrow being sold off... Foreigners I presume ?




  1. it should bring about better service levels - all privately managed airports (eg frankfurt) have a SLA (service level agreement) with the government/airport authority and these are higher than the service levels currently in place


  2. I dont think they will sell off Heathrow because that is one of the worlds biggest airport, I heard they may be selling off Gatwick, Stansted and either Glasow or Edinburgh.

  3. hopefully cheaper seats - competition is good 4 customers.

  4. well BAA own ALL the airports.. so it's a monopoly..

    as to who buys it, or tries to if it's for sale.. one of the other airlines I'm guessing.

  5. Heathrow is not being sold off. The airports that have been earmarked are Gatwick, Stanstead and either Edinburgh or Glasgow. It was on the 10 o'clock news.

  6. I dont really care, I never use airports and i stay in scotland anyway

  7. I thaught it was Gatwick and Stansted that were being considered?

  8. It won't affect me since I primarily use Inverness and Luton airports. Might affect me since I do on occasion use Glasgow as well though.

    It said in the news there either selling Glasgow or Edinburgh airport.

  9. It's not being sold off. Gatwick and Stansted are, not that it will make any difference to passengers.

    BAA is already 'foreign'. The owners are Spanish.

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