
What are your thoughts on Indigo children , and if someone had one, what things would they need to know ?

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Like as a parent , how would you help them you grow ...I wanna say ...spiritually ?




  1. A sapling knows what it needs.  As long as the soil is fertile, the light plentiful, and predators kept away, it will grow as it can.  Nor can you force it to grow at your pace or bloom when it will not.  Understand what you can do and what you can not, and the rest will follow.  This is nature.

  2. Spiritually, book learning, and lots and lots of love. LOL

  3. That's just another way of saying "You're special".

  4. What a cool colour.  Be careful about mixing them with your whites when laundering them.

  5. Send them to the Ayn Rand Institute.

  6. oooh, I'm too down to earth to believe in such theories, I think they're another type of myths, something similar to what witches and wizards meant before....

    see this link and you'll understand the connection...

    I think that every child has infinite possibilities of developing their intelligence and creativity, it's in the hands of the parents to  understand them well enough and to guide them on a path they'll be good at...

    besides, indigo is such a dark color... I've always preferred green :D

  7. that they speak in code.....not that there is anything wrong with that..I mean I might be one too..sometimes I speak in code too. I see bubbles in the air, when no one else seems to see them........(clap clap pretty bubble,,pretty bubbles) sometimes I jump and try and catch them

      I was surprised to find out that indigo children are antisocial, it's not like Woodstock like I envisioned it. I can relate to feeling misunderstood too, but I don't get my panty's in a bunch.

  8. I believe in it, I also believe that my daughter is one

    and I am crazy

    regardless of that I would do as I do with all of my children, I encourage their emotional and artistic as well as spiritual sides.

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