
What are your thoughts on Kwik Out stirrups?

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I recently posted about my fear of cantering my 8 year old horse. Who has a lovely nature but threw me off at our first canter and I have been afraid ever since.

My fear is not coming off it is being dragged so I am thinking of getting some Kwik Out stirrups. I ride dressage so these would look better than some of the other types of quick release stirrups. I have safety stirrups but still feel unsafe. I have read reports of the Kwik Out stirrups releasing at inopportune times and would appreciate any replies if anyone has had any experiences with them...good and bad. They are not cheap so I want to get the right thing.




  1. Well I personally do not think safety has a price.I have a pair of them and they have saved me when I fell off.They break instantly.I have not had them break except the one time I fell off.You can always check horsetackreview and see what everyone else thinks but I give them a 10/10

  2. I have never seen them but I would be worried about them opening like you are.

    Peacocks would be my first choice. Could you use them to train in and switch to normal stirrups for tests?  Could be an option.

    Anyway, I would probably order a pair and ride in them carefully once or twice. If you like them then keep 'em. If not, most companies will allow you to send them back if they still look new. If you can't send them back then you might be able to sell them on e-bay or in a local tack store

  3. Hi, Kwik Out stirrups are great! I got a new horse 8 months ago and ever since then i have had issues with coming off and my foot getting stuck, it happened twice.I was using peacock irons at the time. After ALOT of saving i purchased Kwik Out stirrups and they have boosted my confidence, riding skills and when ever i fall off and have any chance of being dragged the flip! they are one of the best things i have ever bought!! Being heavy they also stay in the same spot keeping your feet in the right position. They are defently worth the investment.

    T!FF@NY XO

  4. As long as you keep your heels down, the KwikOut stirrups shouldn't release unexpectedly.

    You may want to consider solid safety stirrups, too:

    Here is another option:

    And remember: you know the bar where you attach your stirrups to the saddle? Don't have the tab flipped up. That way, in the event your safety stirrups don't disengage, the stirrup leathers will slide off.

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