
What are your thoughts on N.O. mayor Ray Nagin?

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Here's a quote from him regarding the RNC:

"You know, I think Gustav rained on their parade, on their little party," said Nagin, a Democrat, who cut his own trip short to his party's convention to prepare for the storm. "And hopefully they can rekindle. We'd love to host them in New Orleans next week, and they can come down and we can show them how to really do it right."

Here's the man who says, "I can't wait to get my chocolate city back," and who blames everybody else for his shortcomings as a leader, and his city's shortcomings. How come we have to put up with this tiny mind mentality in some so-called leaders, but not with others?




  1. I personally think he is doing a really good job right now. I guess you must not live here.  And you didn't quit quote him correctly either. Why don't you just keep your nose outta things you don't know squat about.

  2. He's not the brightest tool in the shed but he is chocolate and seems to prefer that flavor as well per his own words.

  3. Dude. He's nobody. Get over the fact that the GOP sucks and vote Dem this year, okay boo-boo?


  4. Noggin is the idiot who is responsible for the deaths and destruction of Katrina. He neglected the pumps and levees and then neglected to evacuate the city. He should have been removed from office for dereliction of duty. This time the new Louisianan Governor took charge and ordered Noggin to do things right. Or else. And it worked.

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