
What are your thoughts on Obama's speech (the good, the bad, and the ugly)?

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Leave the hate speech at the door, please. Thanks.




  1. Not his best speech (in terms of technique), but very good overall.  Further, he explained his message much more clearly.   More importantly, he demonstrated a very aggressive posture towards McCain,  while at the same time, showing careful and deliberate thought, which illuminates an ability to lead and be Commander in Chief.

    I think he did a fine job.

  2. I loved it.  He is what he is.  No apologies.

  3. A lot of complaining and blaming

    No real answers


  4. I agree with Pat Buchanan.  It was one of the best acceptance speeches (if not the best) I have ever heard.  It was a true calling to the heart and soul of America.  The line about soldiers really grabbed me.

    "I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain.  The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together, and bled together, and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America or a blue America; they have served the United States of America."

    Superb speech.

  5. It was an excellent speech.  Obama covered all of the areas that people said beforehand that they were concerned about -- his proposals, the bad judgments of the last 8 years, the American dream,  his background and he ripped into McCain.  It was a brilliant speech and beautifully delivered.  

  6. talking points

    no specifics

    still dont know who this guy is

    lots and lots of questions

    he worries me

  7. I loved it - he did a wonderful job.  

  8. The Good:  Substance.  He finally addressed the main fears about him (raising taxes to pay for new programs).  By explaining his intentions to review the budget and use money from ending the war to actually cut taxes I think he may have helped put a dent in that argument.  Also, he got in a few pretty good slugs on McCain.

    The Bad:  The first half of the speech (before he got into the blueprint) was too 'fluffy' for me.  Now was the time to take the entire speech to talk substance, not just part of it.

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