
What are your thoughts on Peter Gammons' comments regarding Manny?

by Guest64617  |  earlier

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He said that the Red Sox would have definitely NOT made the playoffs if they kept Ramirez...................I think that was a crazy statement!! You????




  1. yes, they probably could have gotten wild card with manny, and now with jason bay hes hitting like .215 with runners in scoring position and manny had something higher, so now they have a chance not making the wild card now

  2. Peter Gammons is an idiot.

  3. Peter Gammans' head is spinning from all the trades going on he's almost drunk like.  

  4. Ya def crazy statement Im sure in time the Red Sox wouuld of gotten past the  shmannigians and once again become the best and would of had a good chance of winning the series this year

  5. Manny is far worse this year then other years, as far as his attitude.. The guy is an utter cancer in the clubhouse and possibly could have put the team into a tailspin.

    Although i think the Sox still might have made the playoffs with Manny, I think they def. will with him off the team.

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