
What are your thoughts on Presidential candidates and their campaigns?

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I am wondering what you all think and how you might suggest we go about changing if you agree.

Personally, I'm sick and tired already of the slamming candidates, their parties and other special interest groups do on the negatives of the candidates in the media. I was just reading how Mr. McCain's chosen person in the election has to undergo massive inquiry into their financial status, history and anything that could be construed as negative - her pregnant teenage daughter etc. Additionally, when I hear of the massive funds that go into these campaigns I wonder what the presidential race really is all about....

Who agrees with me (or doesn't) regarding the negative media between candidates and why?

Do you think we lose high- quality presidential candidates due to their lack of money to campaign? Do you think we lose such candidates due to their lack of desire to have their family lives ripped apart and made big of by the press? Do you think this is right and what kinds of things could we do as citizens to change this? I mean, we're human, I would rather hear from each candidate ONLY how they intend to make the US a better place for as many people as possible - I think the campaign dollars would be much better spent outlining the facts of how each has voted on certain types of bills within congress (to allow us to establish what we think are their mindsets on the issues), giving each a certain amount of space to tell us what their ideas are - then mail it out in a pamphlet to each and every American - so we get equal information that's positive. Frankly, I'm appalled at the press we see and the money spent for nothing more than mud-slinging, often inaccurate.




  1. The Straight talk express is looking more like a Jerry Springer episode.


  2. i think mccain is a good candidate because he is a moderate. he doesn't go along with party views just because they are party views. on the other hand, obama does. no matter what, he is extreme democrat....which, if he is genuine in his motives...may help us...or might put us deeper in debt and leave national security at risk. hard to make a decision.

  3. I agree with you 100%.  I'm SO tired of the squabbling between parties.  

    I know what Obama wants to do for the country as far as the economy, health care, education, etc.

    All I know about McCain is that he wants to stay in Iraq until we "win."  Nothing about health care, the economy, or anything else that matters to me.  His stance is "it'll all straighten itself out."  His strategy seems to be trying to throw enough mud at Obama that he'll be buried under it. I want to send a message to McCain -"Tell me what YOU plan to do, not how bad Obama is!"    

  4. Replican is not strong

  5. Obama and Mc Cain are both corporate tools and if either one gets into office were all doomed. People that have so much "faith" in these guys. Maybe you should actually take the time to learn about them. Its so easy to find information on how there directly and indirectly working with corporations and if they become president, will serve the interest of the corporations. They could care less about the american people, not even our own congress cares.

  6. I am with you on this one!!!

    Here is what sticks in my mind about this more than anything:

    Both candidates have said they aren't going to sling mud and it has begun.

    It is considered a necessary evil in campaigning, blah blah blah.

    So when the lobbyists come and start offering favors in exchange for favors they will show as much resistance as they did with the mudslinging.

    I think all politicians end up being the same even if they didn't start out that way.

    You could get some guy who is completely dedicated to doing good for our country. Let all the piranha in washington get hold of them and they will be selling their souls too.

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