
What are your thoughts on Wal-Mart suit against previous employee?

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Employee of Wal-Mart is in an accident in 2000, semi tractor trailer hit her. She has permanent brain damage and is now in a nursing home. The family won a suit against the Trucking Co., but after legal fees was left with a little over $400,000.00. She had medical coverage through Wal-Mart, which she paid for, and now since she received a settlement, Wal-Mart is suing her to get the money back that the insurance company paid out on medical bills! And legally the courts have awarded them $100,000.00, which at this time would leave them with a little over $100,000.00 for continued care that is in a trust for her. On top of that her husband is recovering from prostate cancer, and their oldest son was killed in Iraq recently! Has this family not gone through enough already?? Go to and watch the video and post your thoughts. Personally, I think the Wal-Mart family, who made over 90 Billion, yes Billion dollars last year has no morals or value of life!




  1. I hated Wal-Mart before this. How much mroe money does a multi-billion dollar company need?

    If they aren't going to give a better pay and care for employees, then we should make them balance the country's budget...make them give something generous.

  2. I saw the same video. Although Wal Mart is legally in the right, they have their billions. $100,000 is just a drop in the bucket to them. This woman will have medical bills the rest of her life and her family has been through enough...Talk about GREEDY.

  3. There is a documentary called "Wal-Mart: The High Cost Of Low Prices". Trust me it will outrage you even more. The biggest problem in our country is corporate greed. Look at the gas companies. Look at the pharmaceutical industry. It's NEVER going to be about what is right. It's all about who has the most money. My mama would say " The rich man will dance, but the poor man will pay the band." The best we can hope for is the public will be so outraged this will pressure Wal-Mart into doing the right thing. If not, they will bury this poor woman and her family simply because they can .

  4. Wal-Mart needs to be Bitchh Slapped!

  5. I think of my self as a fairly good tempered person, until it comes to Wal-Mart, I hate to get started speaking of them, As I could go on and on. They will not miss my $$$, I never shop at Wal-Mart nor Have I, Did some at Sam's Club in early years, I wised up very quick.And now they are one of the biggest Corps. who are tied at the hip with China, and have forced many Corps to fold or go to China to manufacture

    to sell wholesale to Wal-Marts prices, They set the price,

    not the jobber! That is a reverse to what was. I shall let the

    past of them go for now, Just to much deep pooh.

    Today on C-Span, Topic was should we boy cott oylmpics

    at China because of Tibet, A call in said no, We should boy

    cott Wal Mart----------One of my forever prayers is for Americans to wise up and stop shopping at Wal-Mart, the only way we will get attention is to hit the rich in their pockets

    or before we know it we will be dealing in :"script" "I owe my

    soul to the company store." Too many people are not wise to

    THE MART. They are a huge part of Americia"s demise.

  6. Greedy sons of b*****s.

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