
What are your thoughts on Welfare?

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Suppose you were given the power to reform it, what changes would you make, if any?

Be as broad as you'd like.




  1. Slowly get rid of it...From stories my mother has told me who works with people on welfare, and my bf who patrols the projects, it is mostly (not all) lazy people scamming the government...

  2. Being a capitalist with a slight socialist bent, I think that there is a necessity for a social program for certain folks in society.  I truly believe we are only as strong as our weakest its in our best interests to ensure the success of all people in our society.  But that certainly cannot mean handouts without responsibility...for that strengthens no one and nothing.  

    Welfare, then, should be paid out after services are rendered.  Back home, it could have meant welfare recipients working in the fruit farms instead of the farmers having to hire from is done, people are paid for their work, and the farmers can reduce the cost of their crops.  Everyone wins...

  3. We did reform it about 15 years ago- they just won't enforce the new rules.

    Added:  The reason they won't enforce?  The workers would be out of jobs if they enforced the rules.    Fewer cases less workers needed.

  4. it's a good thing... to help when help is needed, but not something an individual should rely on for a lifetime.  there should be more concentration placed on training, and higher education.  

    ultimately the system doesn't pay well enough to support a family.  it subsidizes low income workers, but benefits are cut as soon as the wage earner begins to get a little more, thus keeping them just as poor.  i think it would be great if we could allow recipients to quit their min. wage jobs and attend school for three to five years.  and when they are finished they can pay a portion of the cost back through community service and the rest like a low/no interest student loan.

    also, too much of the available funds end up covering administrative costs.  the whole system is a bureaucratic nightmare.  perhaps, post grads of the system could do the wok of social workers and administration as their community service.  i dunno, but i appreciate that you asked.

  5. Abolish it.

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