
What are your thoughts on abortions?

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  1. You must be coming from a muslim perspective. Do you really want to hear views that differ from a religious one? Religious people take their dos and don'ts from authority - either of some holy book or some holy person who claim some special revelation from someone. They do not have to show whether it is correct or not. They just need to say, 'God (or some other name) says so...therefore we must obey'.

    Abortion is the act of terminating a pregnancy by human intervention. There are many reasons why this is done. Sometimes it is done for medical reasons, other times it may be done because of dire social, psychological or financial reasons. Religious people do not like a pragmatic approach to doing something. They believe that you must have absolute rules - you shall not abort, for whatever reasons. But they are often inconsistent. They will not permit abortion because they deem it the same as killing an adult. But killing per se is not wrong according to the same religious people. They do want to see some people killed because they think these people have done something to offend their god(s) or beliefs. For example, it seems OK for them to kill someone for reasons of 'honour'. If your daughter dates someone you don't like, then it's fine for your brother or her cousins to top her and pack her in a suitcase.

    So there is much inconsistency and hypocrisy there. Is abortion always wrong because it's murder, as rabid fundamentalist baptists in the US would say? But these fundamentalist will gladly shoot and bomb nurses or doctors who carry out therapeutic abortions. They claim they are defending the unborn person by killing the one already born.

    Whether an abortion should be carried out, we can get very little guidance from religious texts as the technology to carry it out safely and relatively easily was not available in ancient days. It is up to the woman and those closest to her and the prevailing circumstances. It may be better than the other alternative of exposing unwanted babies to the elements or breeding them only to let them run feral in our housing estates.

  2. I'm pro-choice. If someone chooses to remove a life from them, it's their decision and the burden is set on them. It's their body, their choice, and their decision. They can do with it as they'd like.

  3. people who have abortions shud have there ******* cut out so they dont have s*x or have children again

  4. Wa'alaikum Salam

    Mere khyaal mein, Allah Ta'la jo mana karte hain, wo nahi karna chaahiye. Zindagi aur maut allah ke haath hain na.

    So, I don't think it's right.  

  5. its **** ing haram and makes me sick. i hope Allah punish everyone who kills their own baby

  6. wa'laikum assalam,

    i hate abortions, i hate the thought of babies being hurt, like one time i heard a lady was so drunk, she put her baby in the microwave and when they took him out, his insides were fried, astughfirallah.

  7. It's up to the individual and not anybody else's business to interfere. Say a woman or young girl was raped and conception resulted in that rape then I think most of them would want to get rid of the baby. If a woman is pregnant then it is her life (and the fathers) to decide what happens to that child, unless they use it as a form of birth control. Abortion should have stricter access due to some idiots abusing the system but busy bodies should mind their own businesses.

  8. No thoughts, I'm a firm believer it should be the womans decision as to what to do.  Not my business.  

  9. I couldn't imagine going through an abortion, it'd rip me apart.

    But sometimes, you have to make decisions for reasons that might be beyond you. Like what if the baby had a disformality? And you couldn't cope with that...there are loads of situations that might arise.

    Other than that, i think its wrong if people go around using abortions as a form of contraception.

  10. good ,

    to many children in the world

    womans power over there own body

  11. it should be done only if the mother's life is at risk

    death and life is in God's hands

    i know people abort when they find out their baby will be born disabled, and they do it because they believe that the child would have a difficult life. i believe that if Allah gives you a child, he gives you strength to look after it.

  12. abortion is terrible

    it is a crime

    it is to kill a living being

    you shoud accept what you have got

    girl or boy both are precious!!

    and dont want any of them then you should be very careful!!!  

  13. Don't do it unless absolutely necessary.

  14. if it puts the mother's life in danger than its okay...otherwise i strongly oppose it

  15. I'm against it.There is no excuse that can justify the killing of an innocent soul, unless one has been raped/sexually assaulted or the life of the mother is at risk.

    From the Quran "Losers are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what God has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to God. They have gone astray, they are not guided." (6:140

    Whosoever has spared the life of a soul, it is as though he has spared the life of all people. Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all of mankind." (Sura 5 Verse 32)

    And Allah knows best.

  16. I don't think its right. whatever the situation is, the child never has the right to die.

  17. I think that a foetus should only be aborted if the life of the mother is at risk.

  18. personally- against it but politically PRO-CHOICE. i have 3 wonderful children and couldnt imagine every having abortion but there are so many circumstances that i believe it is the womans choice. government has NO business in it.

  19. I think abortions should be illegal except for cases of rape.

  20. No thoughts about that,

    I am against that!

    and I remember a story which had a moral it was like

    Jise Allah rakhey use Kon chakey!


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