
What are your thoughts on answers in the paranormal section which say 'email me privately'?

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Is it allowed, is it in the spirit of the game?

And do you think it poses a danger to vulnerable people who may be lured away from the crowd to be taken advantage of by a person who recognises their gullibility?




  1. No paranormal researcher would ask anyone that contact them to meet with them secretly... And as a paranormal researcher and investigator.. I have never asked for a secret meeting...  And if someone is with-in 500 miles of where I am I do get an address and visit their home and investigate  their paranormal problems... So if someone asked you to meet with them and it is not their office.. just say no and break off all contact with them......... and notify the police if they continue to bother you....... For I get sometime over a hundred and fifty e-mails a day from people that need help and If need be I will give my office number to their parents and I never ask for someone phone number.... And I have their parents contact me about their current situation....... And yes if my work is successful I will be paid for my services........ And there are special circumstance where I work for free....

  2. I take it to mean that if a person asked to be mailed privately after reading a question, they have information that they do not care to share with everyone or they consider it to be sensitive in nature.  The same thing goes for a person who asks a question and request private answers...they are perhaps looking for help but did not want to be ridiculed in the process.  The thought would be from some, why ask or answer in a public forum, but the truth is, some do not have the means to ask outside the group.  I have answered privately to a female who turns out had questions but was deaf and mute...

    Most of us who try to answer questions in this forum do not consider it a game, especially those of us who have groups or have had real paranormal experiences.  I know that there are those who do, but my intent is to answer a question as honestly as I possibly can.  We deal with people who have claims of paranormal activity all the time and we attempt to do so with compassion and understanding.

    I suppose you do have a point, there are people out there who would seek to take advantage of anothers weaknesses here, but ust like with anything else in life, one must be careful always.

  3. I have been emailed about you guys.  You always answer all the questions on this site the same way.  It takes nothing to say there are no such things as ghosts.  But you are ruining the site.  I asked  if any one knew about this site in the mythology and folklore section and most did not.  But then the ones that did said it was too full of skeptics for them.  I come to the site to learn.  There is always some one out there that knows more than you.  I do not try to prove ghosts exist.  I already know they do.  And I do not care if any one else believes me or the things I talk about.  However, I at least have research and study that I have done myself to back me up and give the things I have to say some weight.  You have nothing but an opinion that probably comes from some one else.

  4. I didnt understand that. Spirit of what game?

  5. Not necessarily, if the little voice in you says watch out, you had better listen to it. What does your intuition tell you? Don't go by what you see. and finally yes.

  6. I actually did email 2 people from my question which is so nicely linked at the end of your question.  Neither were the one you are talking about.  The people I contacted didn't ask me to contact them..I just liked what they had to say..and I thanked them for their time and kindness. =)

    And to answer your question: I think its a bit weird when someone asks you to email them privately.  Last night was my first night in this section because I had no idea it existed.  I'm more of a movies/music section kind of girl.

  7. My first thought is the person asking to be emailed is wanting to be a "professional" in this field and but does not know how to get members for their team or places to investigate so they use all yahoo means to promote themselves.

    My second thought is they do not want the skeptics t  voice their thoughts on anything they may say because it may harm their  "professional'  status.

    I am a believer, and have been trained in the methods the modern ghost hunter uses and did have a team at one time, but I am different in that I do not apporve of the decietful tactics modern ghosthunters use and I am not afraid of skeptics opinions. I realize this is sopmething that cannot and will not ever be proved one way or other and our belief comes from our beliefs wehave always held or our experiences which cannot be proved one way or other.

    I am also different from the others as it does not mother me that skeptics d not take us seriously and I have never claimed to be professional although I have been told that to be taken seriously I must say I am.


  8. Well, chances are they are trying to help, and there

    is no ability to reply back and forth on yahoo answers.

    If you think your judgement is so poor you are afraid

    to talk to anyone, you're never going to be able to

    acomplish anything in life. Consider the offer an

    opportunity for practice. The more people you talk

    to the better you get at it. Just don't do anything

    stupid like telling them to come over to your house

    when you live alone, OK ?


  9. I am a believer in the paranormal but I don't think it is wise to be emailing anyone privately.  When it comes to discussions of that matter I think face to face conversations are the best bet.  Yes, I think it poses a threat to vulnerable people.  Besides, when it comes to Paranormal someone can tell you a story but you still have no proof unless you were there to see it with your own eyes.  That's why so many people are interested in the paranormal, 'The quest for the truth'.   Contacting strangers can put you in a position of being taken advantage of or worse.

  10. Although I do support free speech, including the right to converse in private, I see what you mean.  When expressing yourself privately you are under no sort of scrutiny.  You can say or do anything you wish without answering to anyone but the one person in question.  While this by itself isn't necessarily dangerous, it could be under specific circumstances.

    Is that why you don't allow private emails?  To protect yourself from the bad men out there?  Reowrr. ;-)

  11. As long as it's through the Yahoo forum.I don't see anything wrong with it.You don't give out any actual address so you remain anonymous and in control.

    Asking for or giving out a real address.In my opinion it's a big mistake.Aside from the fact we all know scammers are out there.Many of the people here are kids.The old don't talk to strangers rule applies.Especially the ones who try to talk to you.

  12. yes

  13. I agree with mrj, go with how you feel. I have emailed people and they have emailed me and we have had good communications - but I do think you should be careful. I would not meet up with people but the talks I have had I have communicated with people half way around the world so I am in no harm whatsoever. Its good to see how the other side of the world is going.

    Also I cant have a conversation as such on Yahoo its strictly questions and answers and who knows I might develop a pen pal. I dont make a habbit of talking with people who come from Australia but I know someone who had a penpal who lived a round the corner from them, and they had been emailing each other for 2 years!!

    I dont think there are any games occurring - people ask questions to find out more and maybe meet like minded people. Yahoo provides that forrum. Also some people are happy to answer questions but not share with the rest of the people, you may ask a question and some one might say email me and I will tell you. There is no harm in it - except if you are a child and someone lures you to a park and they are an adult. A situation occurred a few years ago with this disabled girl in her teens was speaking with a boy on the internet and he asked her to meet him at the park which seemed ok because they both came from the same town except he met her with some mates and they sexually abused her and set her hair on fire and took video footage and sold copies for $2.00!!!! There were quite a few young me involved . Most of the people here are adults who can decide for themselves whether they want to answer mails or email people. Certainly the internet has made the world smaller and made it easier to access like minded people. But do be cautious when contacting people.

    below is a link to the girl who was lured away by some teenage youths.

    I will admit that by the nature of some questions and answers it sounds like the person may be suffereing a mental illness but really one would hope that they are savvy enough not to get into trouble.

  14. That could be construed as solicitation, which is a violation of the Yahoo rules.  When you get a creepy vibe off anyone doing that in any category, it's worth reporting.

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