
What are your thoughts on b/friends and g/friends living together as a married couple?

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I have NO problem with it what-so-ever because I too live with my b/friend of 4 yrs.




  1. I think it's great. I believe it makes the step between simply 'dating' and getting married much smaller, and therefore it should be easier to make your marriage work ;)

  2. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.  It's not something I'd do myself, though, but that's only because after living with my last girlfriend I decided I was better off celibate.

  3. what about the muslim Bell?

  4. I'm living in with my boyfriend, so I have no problems about it.

  5. It's okay as long as one of you is a Christian and you're both not the same s*x.



    It's a sin according to the Bible.

  6. Why not? It's a good chance to see how compatible you are.

  7. its not really like marriage, they probably still like each other

  8. Absolutely fine with me - I have been living with my guy for three years. However, I have had a few friends who have been totally screwed over by their partners and have basically been made homeless (one friend is going through it at the moment). If they had been married then they would be entitled to at least a Little.

    This friend gave up her home and everything to move in with this guy. Stuff has happened and she is being evicted from his home (he's a rich guy with homes all round europe). He is prosecuting her daughter for trespassing on his property too - how awful is that?

    If they had been married then it would have been a different story!

  9. whatever makes them happy .

  10. I am unopposed to it.  My girlfriend and I are living together and christian.  Marriage as we know it is not the marriage concept of early biblical times.  Marriage as we know it is a means of ease in tracking for tax collection.

  11. not a good idea    if you want to  live  together as married then  get married  first. saying that one  of my sons  now  lives  with his  girlfriend  I  hope they get married  but it is   his  choice.  I have not put any pressure on them  only asked if they plan  to the answer was not yet  he is  13 and  just finished uni in another city  where he  is living now and working.

  12. I don't care as long as it involves a ring and commitment.

  13. You never know someone until you live with them.

  14. It's none of anyone's business. Your life is your own, regardless of what mistakes I might imagine, or through scientific evidence know, you're making, and I wouldn't presume to even imply I care in any conceivable way what strangers or adults do that harms no one else. And that's the only reasonable position to hold. Anyone who says otherwise is a bully who believes in might makes right, whether it's socialism or religion pulling the strings.

  15. I have been living with my g/f for over 8 years now and we've had 2 great kids together. We've talked about getting married but we feel it might change things. We look at it like this; If it's not broke, don't fix it

  16. with all the BS about fornication.

    this very topic made man change the KJV bible just after it it's first release.

    as man had been teaching what was not true.

    it is called italic type, words that were added later.

    in 1 Corinthians 7:2

    Nevertheless, "to avoid" fornication, let every man have his own wife,

    and let every woman have her own husband.

    this very verse has new words, as the words husband and wife are new words. and the languages of past never had any words at all as such, rather words were written with an accent for male and female.

    and the words "to avoid" were written in latter due to what had been taught and was accepted.

    so it in truth it is more like if you do the crime do the time.

    as the so called christian wedding is pagan.

    and has nothing to do with jesus at all.

    just because he was at a wedding and turned water to wine.

    is not a teaching on how we should or why we should do it.

    the truth behind the honeymoon is to confirm a child was a legitimate as the virgin woman was kept away until she was pregnant, and the very act was watched as to keep proof of sire.

    so the whole wedding it self was a celebration in the union of two people and families in an arranged manner.

    so the word marriage comes from a greek word that means impure defiled mark marred - MAR.

    so when the blind lead the blind, they all fall one after another.

    latin DE of or from  FACTO fact

  17. I think it makes for trouble because when you break up, you will have no legal recourse. Watch Judge Judy one time and you will find out why it is not in your best interest.

  18. It's fine, specially if your not religious, but make sure you have your own bank account, not a joint one, ha ha:)

  19. well i live with my bf too... and we don`t believe in marriage, we ate both atheists so i would say i don`t have any problem ....

  20. To be honest with you, it is not right living with someone without being married, and the reason for this is because when God created man and woman, he did it for them to be yoked together!

    I do not know what your stand is regarding God, but do know that if you are a christian, than surly you would want do what your creator has asks of you?

    Being married gives a sense of security.  It is very easy to walk away when things are going bad!  But when married; trying is involved!  I talk from experience;

    Also, where I live there are many couples living together and think it alright to flirt with another, because the bond isn't there.

    We have some friends who just live together, and I am constantly being "chatted" up by him!  He keeps saying that it does not matter because he and his girl are not married!!

    Marriage gives boundaries; I know this also because I lived with my husband before we got married.  This was before we became christians.  We have had some terrible arguments, but have persauved because of being married.  We have just celebrated 17 years of marriage and that is something to be proud of when there have been major struggles!

  21. Well. this thing is destroying family structure. We call family when there is a husband wife and child(ren).

    if ppl do what you are doing. there wont be anything like family in this world.

    dont destroy what God has created.

    God created Human and ruled Human to live in families. Not with out marriage. if GF and BF can live in this way then i dont think there is any need of MARRIAGE.

    i think its a sin.

  22. The marriage certificate is just that a legal piece of paper which is good if there are kids involved and even if you have jointly set up home together.  Usually if no kids are involved you can just as easily set up a contract as to how stuff will be split in the case of a separation.

    I lived with my wife for 18 months before we married - it was a precondition.  We are now married 23 years.

  23. Yes I agree with one of the other contributors. I am also christian and have no problem with couples living together without being 'married' A government can give anyone a piece of paper to say they are married, so what, it does not necessarily mean it is more acceptable. Love and respect are what is important not the piece of paper.

  24. its my dream, to live with him in sin! oooooh yes!!!! sooooo much delicious sin!

  25. Maybe it's a nice trial run for marriage but stats say if you have lived with your partner before marriage you are twice as likely to split up than if you wait until married.

  26. I take it as seriously as they do, which is evident by the lack of marriage in my opinion. If it's just a paper...get the piece of paper... otherwise don't tell me how committed you are and I'll continue to see it as temporary. Study after study by even the most liberal places show it damages their ability to be together in a marriage later so... again, I don't particularly care what adults do to adults so long as they don't involve children, but no one makes the mistake of thinking I would take their relationship seriously.  

  27. Because it isn't marriage - it's still fornication. Your union needs to be publicly recognized, both by God and the state.

    Also, it's too easy if you're just "living together" - when things get too "tough", he can just up and leave, because he has no obligations to stay. There's no commitment.

  28. Wait, so are you dating or married?

  29. I dont understand why ppl dont get married. Its simple.  

  30. So why are you asking.  Just curious if it is no big deal?  

    You are not living as a married couple you are shacking up with him he wins you loose.  

  31. They used to call it common law marriage.

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