
What are your thoughts on celebrities adopting?

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do you think they get higher preference over other couples?

do you think it is wrong for couples like brad & ange to have so many adopted children?

and finally, do you think they should be allowed to adopt children and put them on display like they are doing?

what are your thoughts??...




  1. I think as long as they are actually parenting the child when he/she gets home it makes no difference.  As for preference, there should be none.

  2. It always makes me wonder if they have adopted for the right reasons.  If for real resons, then I think it is OK.  I do however think that any special treatment based simply on fame or wealth is wrong.  I've never been able to figure out whether the famous people put their kids on dislay...or if it is the media that does.  If the famous person has adopted for the wrong reasons, oh ugh!  Frankly, I would be horrified if I had ended up some famous person's trendy toy.

  3. I think that they can adopt if they want to.  I don't think it is right that they get preference over other people. All parents put their children on display to a certain degree, but celebrities can't always avoid it, but sometimes exploit it.

  4. Celebrities adopting I think is ok as long as they aren't abusing their status....then again they can afford to save a lot of kids from starving countries, so all well and good....I think having them on display is in one way a good advertisement for FAMILY FIRST!!....if kids from poorer countries can be saved alot more because of celebs then I'm all for it!!!!!!!

  5. Who knows if they receive preference. They have the resources that a lot of us don't. As long as they give the children a good home it doesn't matter how many children they adopt. I don't think they put their children on display. The media does. After all they can't walk out of their houses without being plagued by reporters. What would you have them do live a reclusive life? They like all have to do what they think is best for their family's.

  6. what do i think about celebrities adopting?

    the same as i think about anyone else adopting--it's ethical and places the child's interests first.

  7. >do you think they get higher preference over other couples?

    Oh yeah~ Just like they get bumped up on transplant lists. They get special treatment in many areas of life... and for what? What have they done to better society? Sure some have done some good, but that is such a small percentage.

    >do you think it is wrong for couples like brad & ange to have so many adopted children? Only until they have adopted outside of their means or place careers over the children. Hollywood couples rarely exist for long durations and to see a hollywood couple adopt and later divorce is sad, IMO.

    >and finally, do you think they should be allowed to adopt children and put them on display like they are doing? I dont think they are putting them on display. I think that comes with the territory. If you are upset with how hollywood invades the lives of children the quit buying the mags and watching the celebrity "news" shows. I personally think that most Hollywood parents are doing a good job of trying to keep thier kids out of the limelight. Christina Aguleria had her baby recently (the 12th, I think). Let's see how long it takes before pictures are released and who "releases" them- her or the pap. I think it will be a month or two. Has anyone seen pics of Gwen Stefani's little one?

  8. Hi Virgomummy,

    In all honesty, these are my specific concerns about celebrities adopting:

    A) I have doubts that they have done all their homework regarding all the complex issues that adoption will involve for their future child(ren) over their lifetimes.

    B) I wonder if they have met all the requirements & truly waited their place in line behind all of the other prospective adoptive parents who are waiting.

    C) There is the appearance that their child(ren) could be exploited for publicity purposes, P.R., also invasion of the child's privacy through photos & stories.  Some of that has to be for attention for themselves!

    D)  It occurred to me that some celebrities might want to adopt so as to bypass the pregnancy phase and the effects of that on their bodies, careers, and lifestyles.

    E)  As for American stars who do this, they really should be considering the children in the American foster care system first.  That would really set a good example for other Americans to follow!

    F)  Most of all, I worry over whether theirs will be the best family environment for any particular child, due to the celebrity's lifestyle and motivations, and considering what the children have been through already.  Money does not equal a better family.  Most of them have nannies raise the children anyways.

    Some of them could be doing it all for the right reasons.  I doubt if they all are.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  9. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, per se, but the way some are going about it, they are making a big media circus out of it.

    They COULD be using their celebrity status and high profile to call attention to the many waiting kids in foster care, but they aren't; they are taking kids who aren't even orphans and circumventing the laws to get a kid who's "cute".

    The rest of the celebs?  Just following along, doing what's "in" at the moment.

    I just wish they'd do it for the RIGHT reasons, instead of the wrong ones.

    ETA:  And there's a HUGE difference between 10 or 12 people in your office seeing pictures of your kids, and 15 MILLION people seeing your kids plastered on the front page of the tabloids.  VASTLY different.  Not even mentioning that I can control what pictures my coworkers see; there's no control in what pictures the stalkarazzi take and plaster all over the newsstands of these celebrities.

  10. No they don't get preference. I don't think it's wrong to have several children as long as you can take care of them. With the exception of some families celebs don't display their children they are followed by photographers. And to be honest "displaying" their kids on a magazine cover isn't that different from a child beauty pageant.

  11. There's no absolute yes/no on this being wrong. Adoptees are in first place children with their own needs and personalities. I think that should stand first. Carrying them around as accessories, I consider real bad parenting. The need for feelings of security are being  undermined. I have my doubts with many celebs' adoptees. Like Julie said; passing by stage of pregnancy and all that goes with it. I saw some salaries risen to extreme heights, thanks to over-exposure. Extreme career-planning or what else? I hope one will adopt a town, leave the kids with their families and environment and rarely hear from. I'm not keen on inter-country-adopting, especially if it's older. The unlearning and again learning of new cultural habits is disruptive to the emotional process. Which was already shaken up enough. If they're real older, 8 or over, I think it can be handled better.

    I think they're preferred over other couples, but some countries have higher standards for adopting. (Mine has now closed for adoption abroad).

  12. It's not for me to say right or wrong about how many kids anyone has, celebrity or not. As long as they can properly care for the needs of the child they could have 50 for all I care.

    As for adopting them, yes, I think it's great they did so and welcomed a child into their family, however, I do have a problem with them flaunting it all around as if the child were some new fashion accessory they ran to the store and purchased. Children are NOT accessories, they are human beings and not something that should be looked at as a commodity or status symbol because you're a celebrity or well recognized. THAT is what sickens me.

  13. the way i see it is if they are taking care of the child, protecting  and actually parenting then more power to them. the children they have adopted are living a life that most would die for.

    they were lucky

    as for them putting them on display, well, i carry a bunch of pictures in my purse and on my phone. i display them to anyone that will look. the celebritites themselves are on display, the children are bound to be front and center.

    celebrities have access to many advantages i think if they can share that with children then more power to them

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