
What are your thoughts on colored contacts? ?

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i just got glasses but im going to get contacts soon and i want to get light green (i have naturally blue gray green eyes sometimes they are dark or sometimes they are light?) my sister told me they would look stupid but i think they would look sweet.. what are your thoughts?.




  1. i think thatd be awesome

    i think colored contacts are amazing fun

    go for it


  2. Get them, it's nice

    to have a change in eye color

    one in a while


  3. i've always wanted colored contacts so go for 'em! you only live once and if they do look a bit odd you can always change them!

    answer mine?;...

  4. I think that they're cool, especially if you have the kind of complexion that would make the color look natural, and it sounds like you do.  

  5. i think it's fine as long as it's not an extreme change like going from black eyes to blue contacts or something like that

  6. I think colored contacts are cool and fun!

  7. i don't like them.

    they're always so obviously fake. :[

  8. I think that colored contacts are cool. If you want them, get them!

  9. I think they are tacky, you are who you are.

    and if your faking it, people always no.

  10. On the right people, they look tubular.

    On most people, they look really fake.

    They're hella fun though :)

  11. I think it's a waste of time & money and potentially dangerous.  Once an optometrist prescribed contacts for me that were too dark, perhaps because I lived in a beach town.  However, I later moved up north & worked nights.  (Don't wear them in dark bars.)  Suddenly I started having pain in my eyes & when I drove at night, the headlights from other cars became streaks of light in my vision.  My new optometrist said the dark contacts caused the problem.  It took almost a year for my eyes to recover.  Fortunately, it wasn't too late for recovery.

    Light green doesn't sound too dangerous.  However, in order to change eye color in a significant way, they have to be fairly dark.  Just be careful & be sure you can trust the optometrist's advice.

    Better idea:  Spend your money on a color analysis to find out what colors of clothing will bring out your natural eye color and skin tone.  Now there's a worthwhile fashion investment.

  12. I can always tell that they are fake.  I hate the purple ones.  It's up to you though of course, although I see no point.

  13. I really wanted colored contacts too, but a lot of people told me not to including my sister. She said she thinks they're fake because if  someone comes up to you and says your eyes are pretty or something like that, you'd be like no hold up wait [moving contacts] this is my real eye color. Lol. So I went with clear, but I wish I was able to see what they looked like on my eyes.

    And I chose clear so my parents wouldn't have to pay so much compared to the colored ones.

    Go with what you feel like!

  14. Those would be cool. Mine already change colors lol so I wouldnt need them

  15. it only looks good on girls

  16. ahh i want some [wanted them for like 6 years lol]

    dont worry about what your sister says. do what you want!


  17. I think it would be cool! Just make sure it's not such a big difference from your original color that people can tell it's not your natural color. Like this one girl from tennis. She has brown/black eyes, and the other day she used bright blue contacts, and it was totally obvious. It was too striking to look nice. It looked kinda tacky, so I say, go for it! Take that chance, it would be so cool, and I would do it if I needed glasses! Just make sure that it's not too obvious. Like, I have dark brown eyes, so if I got them, they would have to be an amberish-light brown color, which is boring too!

    Also, don't wear them all the time, like only for special occasions, because sometimes the color gets in the way of your pupil, and you'll have eye problems. Also, they could cause problems in a different way too. I would use clear ones majority of the time, if I were you, and only the colored onces for special occasions, like parties or weddings or the first day of school, or any normal day, as long as not all the time, and only twice every 3 weeks would be my limit, but it's entirely up to you!

  18. i think colored contacts are CUTE

    but instead i'd get a really light blue,

    or a really dark blue.

    those are soo pretty !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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