
What are your thoughts on deporting some one for entering the U.S. illegally ?

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I personally feel is a very soft punishment, all that happens is they get sent back to where they belong. If the U.S. wanted to be hardcore they would force them to pay a set amount of what their illegal actions cost the American tax payer.




  1. I never thought about that, but it is a good idea..but how could we charge somebody something that is not suppose to legally be here in the first place? I mean I totally agree with you! about for every dollar they have in there pocket they have to pay us back like 50 times that amount or something...sounds good to me!

  2. I wish they would.  In my opinion, if you come here legally, fine, I have nothing against immigrants, but if you're illegal.  Please leave.  I live in an area where the illegal population is through the roof and continuing to climb faster than that of anywhere else in America.  They work for less than minimum wage and make it almost impossible to find jobs sometimes.  They usually don't speak english, which is another problem.  I see no reason why I should have to learn THEIR language just because THEY decided to break the law.

  3. Dude,

    Don't be so cruel

    most of the people who come to the US escape from harsh situtaions they had to face on their own country, based on their race, religion, sexual orientation and many other stuff, and they dream to leave their country to be safe, to have a better life and many other things, and just think when those people enter the US, and be legal residents they will get married and have children and their children will be Americans and this will help the nation in a huge way,

  4. yeah, we are very soft on punishment for offenders...but get one thing straight: the biggest offenders are the americans who hire illegals!!! hello????  does this register to anyone?? illegals wouldnt come if they werent given jobs. do you think once an illegal alien crosses the border money falls out of the sky into their wallets? no!!! they are hired by americans!!!!!! cry to the americans who hire illegals about the cost to the american taxpayer to send these ppl back...      but what most americans dont realize is that in a time where we have rising food prices and food shortages, we want to cry about immigration....   who do you think picks the food you eat? without immigrants, whos gonna do the hard dirty work americans cant/wont do?  that is why we are soft on immigration...cause we have to be!!!! we would be in trouble without immigrants. ask the american farmer...  hes in trouble now! unless you want to help out on the sure he could use a hand, since hes got fewer and fewer workers

  5. Mr. milk, you should stop having so much hatred

    Hate is not good

  6. It's a good idea, but not likely to happen.

  7. Deportation+seizure of property.

  8. I agree.  And a lot of them just turn around and come right back in illegally.  As well, when they are deported, they often have possessions and assets such as vehicles, and sometimes cash or even bank accounts, etc.  I think those items should be confiscated and sold to be used towards the costs of deporting illegal immigrants.  There should be a special fund set up that these items are sold and the money goes into the fund.  Why should the costs be paid for by taxpayers?  If illegal immigrants lost everything they had before being deported, they may be less likely to return again illegally.

  9. I am all for deportation and the fine is a great idea but I doubt any of them would actually pay it. Maybe some jail time on the chain gang so they have to work for their incarceration/deportation costs.

  10. I am appalled at the lack of empathy most of you people have. Don't you understand that they are already risking their lives crossing the border? Live ammunition, as some ignorant person mentioned, is not only inhumane but it is also NOT going to keep people out. You don't get it do you? They can't make ends meet...dying is almost a better option for most of them then living in extreme poverty. And for all of you bandwagoners that just continue to say they don't pay taxes, you are mistaken. They DO pay taxes. Quite frankly, immigrants keep our country alive. As bad as the economy is right now, they are refueling it.

    Plus, who are we to "deal with it our way" simply because we were born north of the border. I am embarrassed that there are so many people wanting to deny other fellow human beings the right to a better life. How's your computer treating you? That's fantastic, most immigrants have never used one.

    Everyone needs to stop being so selfish and lend a hand. We are all equal and we in the US are so d**n spoiled and ethnocentric that we are going to flounder. Karma's a *****, and the economy is really taking a hit right now and I strongly believe they are related.

    Have a heart. And if you don't have one, grow one.

  11. I agree. They deport them and they just come right back. We are too easy on criminals. If we were tougher they would stop trying to come over here.

  12. Fine the companies that hire them.  Afterall, illegals are just another form of corporate welfare.

  13. I think iit is stupid as h**l to deport people...if the immigration system wasnt so messed up maybe they would be legal and ya'll wouldnt have nothing to ***** bout this everyone go get a dnt know what its like to live their the bible i dnt believe it states that a certain race must reside in their own country..thats what really wrong is that everyone try to take maters in their own hands....if anyone should be in jail it should be all of you not them...but haterz will always hate....whats the big deal are you threatened by them....bc they have your job...LOL!!

  14. Before deportation, they should be tatooed with a big "I" on their foreheads!

    The second time they are caught, they should be deported deep into Mexico. It seems they need a lot of workers down there since so many have left.

    The third time they should be sent to the arctic circle to protect ANWR.

  15. Exactly why Amnesty is better for the bottom line. Any other method is too costly to the tax-payer.

  16. I agree. Anything but letting them off. Anyone that hires them should be fined harshly, no benefits for illegals, and no free medical care unless it is life or death. Then once they are better boot them back to the country they so love.

  17. Ummm.... Sure!

  18. sure

  19. Its shows that you are selfish!

    Men..someone els should become a president.

    If it was me:

    *I will freaking rip down the border gate!

    *No one will ever get deported!

  20. As a US citizen married to a LEGAL British Immigrant to the US, I despise illegals. We've paid thousands of dollars and had the government pry into our personal lives just to earn the right to be together here in the states, only to have part of our tax money go to people who are here illegally.

    Deporting people doesn't accomplish anything. They'll only find a way right back in, like Cockroaches. Imprisoning them simply costs us more tax money. Countries with high numbers of illegals living in American SUPPORT the idea of the US being so soft on them because they send TRILLIONS of dollars back, especially into Mexico.

    I think the US/Mexican border should be closed and anyone caught trying to border jump be shot, without question. If people want to visit Mexico or the US, they should have to fly in and out, thus being tracked and forced to get tourist visas. Once someone jumps the visa, they are imprisoned in the equivalent of a prison in their home country and the cost of housing them is the responsibility of their home country.

    I live in Butler County, Ohio and the Sheriff here has actually really cracked down on illegals. He's even sent bills to the government and the Mexican governments for housing such aliens in his jails. I currently live in a complex full of illegal Mexicans who stare and start fights with people who arent hispanic. Our neighbor found one in his kitchen, stealing food! This is a nice townhome complex, but the aliens live cramped in the apartments they've rented with sometimes 12 of them in one 2 bedroom home. It's disgusting.

    If they'd put as much energy into fixing the problems with their home countries as they do stealing from ours, they wouldn't have to run away anymore.

    If we billed the countries to the keeping of the illegals, maybe we'd get more cooperation in cracking down on them. Illegal aliens are ECONOMIC TERRORISTS and should be treated as such in this "war on terror", especially given the state of our economy. Vincente Fox actually demanded that we let MORE in because his government is so dependant on the financial exports. Imagine what would happen if all of a sudden, he got a $100 trillion bill from us?

    More should be done to secure our borders. Talk about the North American Union should cease until Mexico gets it **** together and something more should be done to keep bloodsucking scum out.

    My husband and I have paid thousands in immigration costs for him, so we could be together. America may be home of the free... but freedom costs, get a real job, do it right and contribute to society.

  21. our currnt stradegy isnt wrking.  i did a project on this topic in 8th grade. i learned that 2/3 deportees attempt to cross again.

    i think it should be punishable by death.

    i strongly belive we should use live ammunition. that'll scare them off. tell their gov if they dont start enforcing this we'll handle it our way.

  22. It's a no-brainer.

    As for fining them, I think you'd find that most are rather short on cash and assets.

  23. Yes, a small fine and deportation are good enough punishment. Whether they will be in a

    position to pay it is a big question. So deporation

    is the best practical punishment I guess.


  24. why deport them, lets execute them

    that will stop them dead. lol

  25. well i mean we should improve mexicos economy so less imigration and poverty is in mexico just start a big business there hire a bunch of people that would shrivel poverty and less imigration

  26. I think we should send them to Iraq.  Once word gets out that they will end up there they won't come here.

  27. I feel that they should pay for all the taxes which they evaded, pay for the schooling/healthcare (which they used), and then after that, deport them or send them to jail.

    If someone is willing to break 1 law, arent they willing to murder someone?

  28. make it so

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