
What are your thoughts on her do you like her or not? your thoughts?

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I'm just curious if you like her ? or do you think she is anaoying? what are your thoughts? I love the simple life?




  1. I don't follow links posted on this site, but usually I'm not one to take much heed in first impressions ~ It takes more than 1st impressions to really know someone & judging someone by one thing they happen to post on the net, maybe is a little unfair...But in saying that, I didn't click on the link, so I haven't seen what it is you are directing people to.

  2. Yes, annoying.

    I wonder if the S****y spoiled rich girl attitude is an act, or if she really thinks she's that much better than everyone else?

  3. ugh good thing her parents are rich

  4. shes not attractive at all! the only way she looks attractive is when they alter her in photographs and she puts on lots of make up. plus, s****. rich girls are a total turn off for me. and she's S****y. and yes she is ANNOYING!  she should just crawl up in a cave and die

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