
What are your thoughts on joining the military after college?

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I am thinking about joining the military (not sure what branch) after college. What are your thoughts about this? In general, do you think that it is a good idea?

What if I went to graduate school, earned my Master's, and then joined the service. Would I earn more money?

I only want to serve four years. I have heard that if you sign for four years, you are active for four years, but they can call you up for several years after that? Can someone please explain.

Thanks a lot.




  1. If you want to do it go ahead I want to join and I will

  2. I think you would go in at higher rank.

  3. if you have a four year degree you can go into the armed forces as a second lieutenant, an officer, if you have a master's you might enter the armed forces as a first lieutenant, and if you have a doctorate, you may join the armed forces as a captain. I recommend that you join the Air force, its the easiest of all branches. They always get the good stuff, like better housing and priviledges. I regret that I joined the Army, and not the Air force. I was separated from the Army because of a medical condition. I was an aircraft electrician. but you as an officer, can become a jet pilot, and youll be in the sky flying at Mach 3.

  4. I'm in the same boat.... but further on the path, I'm doing my masters now. It's good so far because it's given me time to get absolutely sure about what I want to do, which branch to join etc, and when I do join I'll be an officer.

    But being in the USA you need to consider the GI bill etc. If the military appeals to you, chances are it will only start to appeal more over time, at least that is what I've found. I think it comes down to what you want to do in the military... and then what sort of work you want afterward.

  5. O its a great experience in till you get raped by your bed mate unless you like that stuff join the navy

  6. Don't listen to other stupid people tell you what to do, first of all. Do what you want to do. If you want to serve the united states go for it. Yes, they can call you back up but, more than likely they wont, not that it wont happen. Having a degree you could become and office and they get paid alot more than a Marines for example-PVT,LCPL,CPL,SGT. and so forth. Don't listen to what other people tell you to do. Do it because, you want to do it. Think it out too.  

  7. Well ive never looked forward to getting shot after i graduated -- your choice

  8. Don't earn your masters and then join.  Join first, do your time, then collect on your GI Bill money for graduate school.  

  9. Two great steps towards a grand career

    Vet-USAF / college student

  10. i think you should do what ever you want i was thinking about joining the military after college too

  11. If you are thinking of joining the armed forces ask yourself, am i willing to kill and die for my country without having any control over who I am killing or what i am dying for.  

    Joining the service is saying you are giving of your entire life to your country to do with it as they see fit.  Are you willing to do that?

    As for the pay, I am not sure, look at the branch you are thinking of joining's website.  They all have pay scales.  But, do not assume that you will make money joining the service, if you want to serve, serve because you believe in it, not for any money.

    Stop Loss means you can be recalled and your tours extended at the convenience of the military.  Generally you are 4 years active then have 4 years in some type of reserve, which in todays military means active duty as well.

    Good Luck in your decision.

  12. Alright you need to know about ROTC. Now this program is offered at many colleges through the Army or Air Force (Army is better, way better)

    Anyway the branch will pay for 100% tuition, 900 a semester for books, and a stipend which is basically a monthly check for spending money, it starts at 350 and goes up to 500 a month by year 4.

    This program can be started freshman or sophomore year or really any year as long as you have 2 years left (it works in grad school)

    Anyway when you graduate you will be an officer that makes alot more. you have a 4 year term or service then you have 4 years in the ready reserves.

    ready reserves means you can be called up in an emergency but it's very unlikely.

    basically you have a 4 year term (you can go longer if you want)

    So why not get college paid for then you can do your 4 years AFTER GRADUATION (they cant make u go before)

    anyway it's a great program, im a sophomore and loving it.

    Any more questions message me or talk to a recruiter... they know everything about the program. Also check out the Army website and search ROTC

  13. Your best bet is to go after college then you can be an officer instead of a grunt.

  14. If you go into the Military after collage in the Medical field.

    You go in as an Officer.

    If you get your masters, get into Intelligence.

    They seem to be short in that field.

    They called for the meeting of the minds,

    and the office was empty. (joke)

  15. I think its very dangerous but yeah idk if you want just do it.

  16. If you're going to do that, look into and go through one one of the Officer paths (ROTC, OCS). My understanding is that they will pay for your Master's with the GI Bill (depending on how it works where you live) if you choose to go for it, but if you're going to join, don't do it for the money. You are being trusted with America's most valuable natural resource. That means something. Also realize that the people who are most against the military know the least about it, ignore them.

    Regarding ROTC, you have to apply for the scholarship to get ANY money, and Navy has it as well. How good each individual Unit is depends on the university (Ohio State has the best NROTC Unit), as does how much you get paid, apparently.

  17. Do what ever you want. I'm joining the army after i graduate also

  18. not really.... i know they have lots of pensions, but its way too risky to fight in the war....

    4061 soldiers for US army have died during Iraq War, not worth it...

    go seek some better business job if you ask me...

    if military, seek some navy job for the energy plant or somethingl ike that, the US energy department is part of the us miliary...

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