
What are your thoughts on people that let their cats have kittens?

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I think it's SICK.




  1. because they are irresponsible pet owners

  2. I really wouldn't say it's sick, but it is cruel to breed them on purpose. If they are not breeders and it just kinda happens on accident, it isn't HORRIBLE. But still, breeding isn't exactly responsible, because there are so many homeless kittens, and I don't think this world needs any more homeless cats. I guess that's just my opinion, though.

  3. Not sick, somewhat irresponsible, and an easy way to make money.

  4. I think its cool,nothin wrong with it  

  5. it's not sick..

    unless you let it frequently happen and pull one of those "free kittens" ads in the paper.

    that pisses me off.

    my cat had kittens last october, she was a stray so there wasn't much we could do about it. but we got her spayed as soon as we could after they were born, and my kitten we kept is  spayed, too.

    anyway, i see no problem with it if you take care of the kittens and send them to safe homes  to ppl you actually know and not pounds or strangers

  6. It's completely cold hearted. Most people let their cats have litters due to neglecting to have the cat spayed (can't afford it, don't have time to drive to the vet, etc). They don't understand the crisis the animal population is in and some don't even care. The ones who have them just to have new "toys" around kill me most. They think kittens are so cute but never give a thought to what will happen when the cute wears off. I wish it would become international law to have all pets spayed/neutered except in cases of licensed, responsible breeders.  Every pet owner should be required to take a trip to a kill pound and see for themselves.

  7. I wouldn't say sick, but I would say very irresponsible.  There are too many unwanted animals in shelters.

  8. i agree its not sick,but  A female cat will continually go in and out of heat, during warm weather/long daylight hour months, until they are bred or spayed.  During the winter months, heat cycles typically abate until springtime.

    The female cat has 2-4 estrous periods every year, each lasting 15-22 days.

    An average cat has 1-8 kittens per litter, and 2-3 litters per year. During her productive life, one female cat could have more than 100 kittens.

    ~ In 1952, a Texas Tabby named Dusty set the record by having more than 420 kittens before having her last litter at age 18.

    ~ The largest known litter (with all surviving) was that of a Persian in South Africa named Bluebell. Bluebell gave birth to 14 kittens in one litter!

    ~ A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.

  9. I am not totally against it, but a lot of people need their cats spayed and neurterd

  10. If they can't keep the kittens, then they shouldn't have let their cat have kittens.

    I foster cats, so when a cat in my care has kittens, it's okay because then I foster all the cats until they are all adopted.  They'll never get euthanized.  

    But not all cats are that lucky.  So many owners find out that their cats are pregnant and then throw them out into the street hoping they never come back with kittens.  Those cats are found (sometimes), taken into the shelter with the kittens and then, when the kittens are adopted and she isn't, she's euthanized.  Or, she's forced to live on the streets with her kittens and live a rough life- same with her kittens.

    So, if your cat has kittens and you can keep them, YAY!  If you can't- why did you let her get pregnant?

    Spay or neuter, people!  Do NOT declaw!  Get your cat microchipped!  Keep cats indoors!!!

  11. Sick is exactly what it is.

    But mostly, they do not realize why it is "sick". They live in their simple closed off world where their female cats go into heat and are sterile, and kittens are cute and fun to have, and kittens will not be their problem for 15 years. Think about it, there is practically nothing to lose, right?

    But they never volunteered in shelters. They never had to euthanize animals that were wonderful just like their own cats and their kittens. They know not of the birth/death statistics in shelters at all.

    It's all just cutesy fun for them. All they have to do is let their unspayed cat out like usual, and just wait. I'd be surprised if the mother ever saw a vet regarding genetic testing, or even her birth, or that the kittens will receive their shots and neuters. They are just fun and cute, and a temporary concern. After a couple months, and the family gets tired of their cuteness, they are given out and just like that, it is like no problem ever existed for that family.

    We need more education. I can't even believe how some people replied to this question saying it is okay. That's just disgusting.

  12. I wouldn't say it's sick but it's definitely irresponsible...the amount of cats/kittens that are feral and without homes is staggering.  

  13. People who have a cat and it gets pregnant, then has kittens theres nothing wrong with that! They should take care of there kittens until the proper age, then make sure they get sold or given away to a proper home. OTHER THAN THAT there isnothing wrong with a cat having kittens. How the h**l is that sick?

  14. I think it's horribly irresponsible and selfish. There are more than enough cats and kittens dying in shelters, no more need to be added.

    People need to learn to be responsible and fix their cats. It's healthier for them anyway.

  15. Deliberate or accidental wantonness in leaving cats to roam & get pregnant is complete & utter iresponsibleness. I agree there's a major problem with general public view/understanding of the benefits of spay/neuter. But, I'm going to stick my neck out here & say that i'm a regist'd ethical breeder, out of choice & after LOTS of research & guidance from other experienced breeders, of Maine Coons, as they are a naturally occuring, magnificently intelligent & playful breed of cat. Every kitten (only a handful) I have brought into the world have fabulous forever indoor homes & all are neutered, microchipped, along with vet checks, worming & vaccinations, before they leave. In the event of a kitten/cat, bred by me, had to be rehomed, I categorically state that the kitten/cat must come back to me to find it a new home & there is a rescue support programme, by most pedigree cat clubs in the UK, to help find homes, but the amount needing rehoming in my chosen breed per year are maybe 1 or 2 at best. Pedigree cats rarely end up being surrendered to pounds because breeders take major responsibility in rehoming & support is given by breed specific club to the few who fall through the net. So, by this system, very few pedigree cats need RSPCA help & spaces for needier stray/dsh/dlh's are kept .

    Here are the 2 main MC breed clubs that help in rehoming this breed nationally -

    EDIT If PETA had their way, they'd have us neuter ALL cats. What would happen to future generations of our beloved cats then?!

  16. that it is completely irresponsible and stupid on the part of the so called owners. anyone that lets their cat breed should be forced to work in a shelter for a month for each kitten they let come in to this world.

  17. Extremely irresponsible.  There's no excuse not to spay your cat--if you can't afford to spay/neuter with all the financial help out there, don't get a cat in the first place.

  18. Anyone that thinks that a cat having kittens is "cool" or "ok" should be forced to work at a very over populated animal shelter for a week where the animals are euthanized if they are not adopted right away.

    That would probably make them an advocate for spay and neuter programs.

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