
What are your thoughts on "Patrick" test driving for Honda then maybe getting a seat?

by Guest33915  |  earlier

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What are your thoughts on "Patrick" test driving for Honda then maybe getting a seat?




  1. Danica proves that a woman can drive.

  2. She can test but I doubt she'll be getting a race seat.

    Not with Honda, not if they are truly trying to reach the top in F1.

    If she got the drive I doubt she would have the respect of her mechanics nor will she be able to inspire them.

    A driver's mechanics are racers at heart and they deserve a true racer to work for.

    I can be a sob some times, I know.

  3. dont forget that what ever team she is on will get a major funding boost, super aguris money worries are gone as long as she is in a race seat with the team,

  4. Its a test, they do not automatically guarantee one a permanent race seat.

    If she wants a test and Honda are willing to give her one then good for all concerned. If she is good/bad enough then all arguments will be ended won't they?

    I don't think it anything to do with her being a woman, but that she isn't F1 material. The last good driver from the US, JP Montoya, shone and then faded drastically, as has many US drivers before him.

  5. I've seen her drive a few time-9/10 times she wasn't that impressive but I still look forward to her test drive for Honda-if it happens. She may even step up her game as it is widely known that she is a long way from being the best in her field.

    This could encourage others to feel more confidence and try out.

  6. h**l, if push comes to shove and here yankee sponsers put up some cash, meet super aguris new number 1 driver, followed by some other numptee lol , strangers things have happend  . . . . .

  7. A test is just that, a test.

    It will give Honda some good publicity.

    I do not know if she has the physical strength to maintain a good pace throughout an entire Grand Prix, maybe I am wrong, but the cornering and braking forces are immensely violent and nothing like what she is used too and I think strength and stamina will be her biggest problem.

    She has won just one race and that was by her team running her on a good fuel strategy.

    She has done nothing to qualify for a Super Licence, but Bernie pulls the strings so that will be no handicap as long as some team is willing to put her on the grid and that most certainly will not be Super Aguri F1 will it ?

    EDIT: `Monty` is a Colombian, the last good driver from the U.S.A. to race in F1 was Mario Andretti as far as I remember.

  8. Shes fairly talented and deserves a test but I doubt she will ever get to race in F1,Danicas' good but not that good!

  9. I always thought those rabbit ears on their cars were pretty g*y, now i know that they are there because they want a woman driving their car.  After signing up Brawn and extending Button's contract, as well as the other changes they have made in the past few months, i really thought Honda were getting serious about F1 but then they go and pull a stunt like this.

    Danica has won one race in three years, two of those years were in a top, well funded team and she only won that race because of fuel strategy.  I really don't understand what they are thinking.

  10. Let's just wait and see... we will be having a first female driver in F1 history.

    This racing is truly evolving into a brand new style. Since we already have a black driver, and now a female is coming. It's just like Hilary & Obama. (coincidence!?)

    In addition, i'm more excited for the return of Senna in F1, hopefully next season. it's Bruno (from Senna family) he's doing good in GP2 at the moment.

    ...and probably this answer will evolve into another question.

  11. do you seriously think Honda will replace Jensen Button or Rubens Barrichello with Danica Patrick???

    the only reason she is getting this test is because her team uses Honda engines, not because she is the "next big thing" I'm afraid that all that will happen is, she'll drive an F1 car on a circuit she doesnt know, find that the car is terrfying to drive and go back to the states with the realisation that her talent and pace is well below that of F1.  Another fact for you the last two drivers (other than Bourdais) that came over to F1 from America, (ie Speed and Montoya) found they were seriously lacking and disappeared back to where they made thier names.

    Playboy 2:  There have already been more than 1 Female GP dirver long before Danica was even thought of and here is the list for you

    Name                                       Seasons                               

    Maria Teresa de Filippis       1958 - 1959

    Lella Lombardi                       1974 - 1976    

    Divina Galica                         1976 - 1978

    Desiré Wilson                        1979             

    Giovanna Amati                      1992

  12. I'm deeply, deeply against... not because she's a woman... but because she is nowhere near F1 quality... give her a test ... but I guarantee she'll be miles off any sort of competitive time... to which she'll inevitably complain that she isn't used to the cars (neither are most of the other young drivers that try out F1 cars, sometimes they're not much slower than the top drivers eg. Hulkenberg in the Williams this winter)

    This driver (I'll refrain from calling her a woman lest I get lambasted for saying such a thing!!) has won ONE RACE in her whole IndyCar career... Sorry to fans but this is nowhere near one of the top series of motorsport... most GP2 drivers don't even make the cut... and as soon as she takes this win (that was based on her team's strategy rather than her skill) she decides she's good enough to mix it with the Raikkonens, Hamiltons and Alonsos of F1... Her road course record in America is pretty awful.. which is usually the test-bed of whether a driver would be fit for a GP2 or F1 car (look at Rahal and Andretti, both have designs on F1 too, both have talent on road courses)... so even on that front she's not even close...

    If she got the seat as well... I fear that she'd be eclipsed by most of the field, regardless of what car she's in... much like the pay drivers of the mid-90's... or Ayrton Senna's teammates at Lotus... That'd be her career in tatters then...

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