
What are your thoughts on the French Revolution?

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Are you on the poor people's side or the monarchy's? Haha.




  1. They needed some change, but it got way out of hand. The reign of terror never should of happened.;...;...

  2. I would have been in favour of the early reforms of the revolution, when the monarchy became a constitutional one, and the new parliament, the National Assembley, had members from all classes.  Also the tax reforms etc.

    However, the later stages of the revolution, when so many people were executed, and you could end up going to the guillotine just for being suspected of having anti-revolutionary sentiments, were horrible.  And robespierre's increasingly extreme reforms lumbered us, for instance, with the unspeakable metric system, the affects of which we are still suffering today.

    Also, most of the leaders of the revolution were not 'poor people' but prosperous middle-class businessmen, most of them lawyers.

  3. Reign of terror was out of control they had to been stoped.

  4. They didn't cut off enough heads.


  5. When did France has a revolution?

  6. Revolting.

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