
What are your thoughts on the following Global Warming Article?

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Br-r-r! Where did global warming go?

By Jeff Jacoby

Globe Columnist / January 6, 2008

THE STARK headline appeared just over a year ago. "2007 to be 'warmest on record,' " BBC News reported on Jan. 4, 2007. Citing experts in the British government's Meteorological Office, the story announced that "the world is likely to experience the warmest year on record in 2007," surpassing the all-time high reached in 1998

But a funny thing happened on the way to the planetary hot flash: Much of the planet grew bitterly cold.

In South America, for example, the start of winter last year was one of the coldest ever observed. According to Eugenio Hackbart, chief meteorologist of the MetSul Weather Center in Brazil, "a brutal cold wave brought record low temperatures, widespread frost, snow, and major energy disruption."




  1. I said it in another blog and I'll say it again.  Weather conditions repeat every thousand years.  Sometimes the patterns are discernable as similar during different centuries.  People who believe in Global Warming/Climate Change should get a life and sell the stock they are trying to protect.

  2. The truth stares the alarmists in the face.And yet we are the "deniers".

    Don't know about you,but it's really cold where I live.Winter has not changed much in my 44 years.

  3. and yet it is still the second warmest year on record (tied with 98). second to 05

  4. Great article. Jeff Jacoby tells it like it is.

  5. what a joke -stop believing the nonsense media - they are journalism and communications majors and don't have a clue what they are talking about:

  6. People that don't know the difference between weather and climate sound really REALLY silly when they try to talk about global warming? It doesn't deserve any more thought than that.

  7. That's AGW for you, severe weather conditions, hot gets hotter and cold gets colder. Both extremes are record breaking and we should heed all the signs that Mother Nature is trying to warn us. In Hong Kong the duration of the cold spell now experiencing is the longest so far in its history and I think in China as well.  Question is why it should be happening now ? Is it a coincidence ? Is this the beginning of new weather conditions or will it be the end ? In my opinion, cyclones like Katrina will be mild compared to the mega cyclones of the near future (within 5 years).

  8. I especially enjoy this quote "Climate science isn't a religion, and those who dispute its leading theory are not heretics. Much remains to be learned about how and why climate changes, and there is neither virtue nor wisdom in an emotional rush to counter global warming - especially if what's coming is a global Big Chill."

    This link within the story is also very interesting

  9. Scientists can't even agree where the temps have been let alone be competent enough to predict the future with any level of accuracy.

  10. Yeah but no matter what kind of sensible argument we make, the AGW fanatics won't listen.  If it gets colder it's "climate change" and if it gets hotter it's "global warming".  

    The funny thing is the climate WILL change no matter what, so they will always have some kind of "evidence".

    Here's a good link as to why we're generally warming,

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