
What are your thoughts on the name Samantha?

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Too common?

Would it age well or not?




  1. It's ok

  2. i have none

  3. I love the name. My cousins name is that. I also have a lot of friend name Samantha...

  4. Haha my names Samantha. I'm 13, and I think when I get older, Samantha sounds like a good name. I'm young though now, so people call me Sam, Sammy or Samantha. I love how it has 3 diff. names to choose from, or more like Samsturr or:




    (courtesy of my mom =P)

  5. It's just so normal.  Then again, many give their kids such original names nowadays that maybe in 15-20 years she'll be the original one!

  6. i think it would age well, as long as people don't call her 'sammy' the whole time she's a kid.  and i HATE when people call a samantha 'sam'...ugh!  but SAMANTHA is beautiful

  7. i like it. my friend's name is samantha. we call her sammy though :]

  8. it would age well. younger-Sam or Sammy older-Samantha. it is like the most common gurl name but...i like it!

  9. My best friend's name is Samantha.  But we call her Sami.

    I don't think it's a common name.

  10. It's a nice, classic name. I don't think it's too common. Yes, it would age well.

  11. I really like the name Samantha.  It works well for a child as well as an adult.  Plus, there are plenty of nicknames for it such as Sammi, Sammy, and Sam.

  12. I like it.

    It's not too common.  I only know one person that has that name.

  13. its kinda common for kids born in the '94s i know like 5 and am 13.. its very cute but to common

  14. Its a good name, but too common. Top 10 the past several years. She will have many of the same name in her class. It will age ok, however. Likely why it is so popular

  15. i really like the name Samantha. it is not to common and it will age well.

  16. It's not too common.  I like it, and it goes well no matter what age you are.

  17. I honestly think that it is a common name but when is there a name that's nice and not common? I think it will age well but when I think of it I think of a stuck up person. If people called her Sam I would think boring. That's just my opinion considering I know alot of Samantha's.

  18. Samantha is a bit too common name

    the name would be good till nearly 30´s and then sound a bit childish

    please don't take this offensive any body

  19. I like it.  Sounds good on a child and a woman.

  20. I like it. Use to be my all time favorite name as a kid. But not as much anymore.

    But i think its a great name. I think it would age well

  21. Love it, but I know at least 11 Samanthas. Buuuut it works well as a tomboy name or girly girl too. And it's classic and pretty. Go for it I say.

  22. too common n too old.

    its really nice though.

  23. i don't like the name,it isn't a name you hear all the time like rebecca,jessica,laura

  24. I love it!!! Samantha Rose would be pretty!!!! I prefer the nickname Sam over Sammy, anyone care to agree?

  25. Samantha would age fine. I think it is a wonderful name that was common a few years ago, but not much now.

    Hope i helped!

  26. I'm not really a fan.

  27. Samantha is a great name

    Suits a baby right through to adulthood

    Its not common anymore

    It used to be but you dont here the name much nowadays


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