
What are your thoughts on the possibility that the Olmec people were originally from West Africa?

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I recently read an article that said that the Olmec (ancient predecessors of the Maya) were from an ancient advanced civilization from West Africa.

Your thoughts?




  1. There is a site for Olmec, but it is a history only. Columbus discovered this country around 500 yrs back and all adventures race of the planet were residing  to this area. Some people were brought from Africa for tilling the land and than after feudalism and monarchy created a history which is best known to everyone till A. Lincoln.

  2. The Olmecs were possibly the oldest civilization in the Americas. Their period was roughly 1200-600 BP. This predates the Mayan, Aztec and Inca cultures. Further these later cultures incorporated many of the accomplishments of the Olmecs.

    Here are the tough questions:

    1. Name the "ancient advanced civilization from West Africa" that the Olmec were from.Be sure to explain the date range of the civilization and how it's linked to the Olmec.Point to West African artifacts found in Olmec graves.

    2. Discuss the sea going capabilities of this civilization and the probable route they took to reach Central America. Discuss the reason trade did not continue.

    3.Show by DNA evidence that the native American population of the region has African blood, and that the contact is dated to the start of the Olmec civilization.

    4. Discus language contribution to the Central American region by West African speaking peoples.

    5. Finally explain why Native Americans living in Central America couldn't have created the civilization on their own.

    Those are the problems with "the Olmec people were originally from West Africa."  One first has to assume Native Americans weren't capable of building a civilization then import an unnamed but  "ancient advanced civilization from West Africa" to provide the brains.

  3. If you look at their stone carvings, they definitely have an African feeling about them...

  4. The stone heads do have an African look to them, but the local tribes have a wide range of appearance, with wide noses and thick lips from their Australoid  ancestry. Apparently relatives of the Aborigines were the first in south America.

    Ignore Afro centrism, it is full of outright lies.

    Although, having said that I did some reading into the genetics of it, and it seems the natives do have about 10% African haplotypes in some ares, so Some Africans probably did add to the mix too.

    Seems the native South Americans were a totally mixed bunch.

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