
What are your thoughts on the retirement of Daunte Culpepper?

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What are your thoughts on the retirement of Daunte Culpepper?




  1. Could care less.

  2. It's incredible to see this happen to someone who was in the top three quarterbacks only four years ago. Injuries have a way of bringing down the great ones. I feel for him.

    At the same time, though, the man had offers to be a backup quarterback by a couple of teams. He held out for the starter role and big bucks. I don't blame him for not having a desire to be a backup, but he clearly had an unrealistic view of his abilities.

    I'll miss him. And I have for some time now. To me, Culpepper retired long ago.

  3. I think that injuries had pretty much made him washed up.  I actually read his retirement statement and found it fascinating.  He talked about the stance he had taken?  I don't remember him taking any stances.  I think that he was understandably bitter about the injury situation.  He wasn't blackballed though.  If he was still good enough to play, someone would've grabbed him.

  4. he has sucked ever since 1999 so it's about time

  5. I think if he really wanted to play the game he would have taken 1 of the offers given him. He wanted to be a starter but so does every other QB out there. Teams are not sure about him any more but if he took a second string position he could have proven himself to be what he once was one of the great QB's in the league. By retiring he has just made himself a has been.  

  6. Well " Bye "

  7. Don't care either way.

  8. All of the teams out there are showing the same amount of interest in having me at quarterback. I guess I should hang it up too. I'm anouncing my retirement and going back to my normal life. It sure would have been nice to get out on the field once though.

  9. I think he was a bit bullheaded. He's been his own agent for years, which is nice because you don't have to pay somebody else to do it, but you also can't always put your personal feelings aside to do business.  I think Culpepper would still be in the league today if he had agreed to be a backup QB somewhere with an unproven starter (like Green Bay or Atlanta, for example), and eventually, he'd get his chance to start again.  The funny thing is that the two teams that he left on bad terms would have been great options to sign with earlier this offseason.  Minnesota could've used him to backup shaky T.Jax, and he could've started in Miami before they signed Pennington.

  10. Do you have to retire from football if you aren't even on a team?

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