
What are your thoughts on the seal hunt?

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There is an overpopulation of seals, right?

Seals being clubbed on the head is more humane than shotting them, because they could be alive and suffer.

If there are too many seals, it will s***w up the whole ecosystem. More seals mean less fish less fish means.... etc. You get my point.

Do you think it should be banned?

Should the seal hunt really be banned?




  1. No it should not be banned.  But it should be regulated so that not too many are hunted.

    And shooting them may actually be more humane.  Clubbing them just seems so barbaric.

  2. probally.

  3. NO animal deserves to die like that no matter how over populated they get.  There are other ways that do not include clubbing them on the head, they could still be alive after that as well.  I think that there has to be another way.  Animals do not deserve to die like that and it makes me so sad.  I do think that the seal hunt should be banned, it just isn't right and it is inhumane.

  4. I think it should be banned because I love animals all kinds of animals

  5. Yes it should be banned as that is inhumane animal torture.

  6. We should breed more polar bears, as they eat seals as their main source of food.

    Eventually the seal bear ballance will make it's self right.

    But I ask you, what did the ecosystem do before we interfeared with it?

    I sugest that nature knows better, if we were not greedy with food and took more reasonable steps to develope sustainable fishing and hunting then this would not be a problem and you would not have to ask this question.

    As it is a problem, man should take the responsibility to deal with the situation to make right what we have done.

    Instead of killing seals doing what they do naturally, we should perhaps not worry about our guts, but the wasted life that there will be if this continues.

    If on the other hand the seal meat is used to feed people and not just wasted, then aslong as we don't over cull the seals,

    no harm done.

  7. I don't think it should be banned. The seal hunt is no worse then the farming or ranching of other animals. It has been going on for hundreds of years and the population of harp seals in Canada is in the millions.

    The animals suffer no more then cattle in a slaughter house. If you have no issue with a hamburger don't take issue with flipper pie.

    In Canada there are a lot of regulations on seal hunting including how they are to be killed and a ban on killing seal pups.

    The Majority of seals are shot and not killed with a hakipik. Some people want to ban the hakipik because of the image it gives even though it kills quickly and the animal doesn't have a chance to suffer.

    If the EU bans seal products they need to ban their own sealing practices first.

  8. I believe that if we depend on God to take care of the earth, that He can also figure that out.  He loves the earth and all the creatures, He knows how to control the population.

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