
What are your thoughts on the war in the middle east?

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I just was in a class discussion on this, and I was just about the only one who thinks we are there for a good causae. My brother recently got back from Iraq, and is deploying to afghanistan in 2 months. He loves what he does and is looking forward to help their country, and protect the United States. So give me your thougts on our reasoning for us being over there, and what you believe. I'm just curoous, thanks. :)




  1. I think that the war in Iraq is all about oil and money.  The americans are probably doing more damage over there than if they would have pulled out years ago.  You and your brother are fools to believe that you are actually helping Iraq by fighting against them.

  2. READ THIS!!!

    The United States put Saddam into power in the first place, so please think twice before you say that we are over there to 'liberate' the Iraqi people. I don't know how old or intelligent you are, but doesn't it sound somewhat unrealistic that we would send our troops over there to help 'liberate' people from an oppressive dictator that we helped put into power in the first place? I'm not saying this as a bias liberal, both of my cousins have served over in the Middle East, and my family has been involved with every major war since the second world war.

    Your brother is very brave for risking his life, but it isn't for the noble or great causes that the government and the media have led you to believe. I believed the same things you did when I was younger, until I decided to look into things myself and find out what was really going on. This war has only made things exponentially worse off since it started, our economy is starting to faulter, and more people are dying everyday, innocent and U.S. forces alike. And in the end, when all is said and done, we'll look back at this war in the same sense as the Vietnam War.

    While I support the troops as much as anyone else, you should really be thankful to the department of homeland security, the NSA, and the CIA among many other agencies who's job is to ensure terrorist don't make it into our country, and pull off another terrorist attack.

    When you want to have a greater understanding of things, you have to put things into perspective, and see things how others would perceive them. I don't know how old you were at the time, but after 9/11 the only thing on every American's mind was revenge for the 3,000 innocent people that lost their lives that day. That feeling of hate and vengeance, is the same way anyone feels after an innocent person dies for no good reason, and after the sorrow and mourning has passed all you are left with is a strong sense of vengeance for those responsible. The same thing is happening over there in Iraq on a daily basis, you just don't see or hear about it. Innocent people die, and those people have children, wives, and husbands. Those people in Iraq that lose a loved one for no justifiable reason whatsoever, are left with a strong hatred for those responsible, and therefore, they turn to Shiite militias and radical Islam in order to seek out their vengeance against us.

    I wish your brother the best of luck, and hope he comes back safe and sound. Hopefully someday soon all our troops can come home.

  3. Afghanistan - the war on terror is very important.

    we should do our best to win (soon).

    Iraq - a massive mistake by the bush administration that has most likely made things worse.


    If you really believe that 2nd comment then why don't you speak up for helping Burma and the dozen other countries that could desperately use our military assistance,

  4. I think it would be a crime to pull our troops out of Iraq too quickly because many Iraqi citizens would be killed by foreign terrorists and militant Muslim militias.

    We need to stay in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and keep the Pakistanis from starting any more terrorist training camps.

    You're a brave girl for standing up to your beliefs !!

    We need more young people like you in this country.

  5. You seem so innocent. I will tell you why United States is at Iraq. United States is there to benefit from Iraq's natural sources. There are thousands of girls there in Iraq who got raped and then killed for their country's natural resources. What you say makes no sense.

    Please stop being an idiot. I try not to get angry at your question but just google it and see the pictures. Those people did nothing wrong. There are thousand of innocent people dying every second. The minute I write these one girl at your is killed. A few minutes later someone will get killed too. This is not helping a country. They are able to kill innocent people because of your stupidness. Taking lives for money is sick. I am American too; but I know what is happening in Middle East. Afghanistan is not developing; it's getting worse and worse. Would you believe if I said I can fly? No right? This is the same reason why I don't believe Afghanistan is developing because under US' pressure it is "impossible"

    I advise you to be clever. People are dying there for nothing. This is not acceptable.

  6. I tend to agree with you and Ducky, although if Bush really believed there were WMD's in Iraq then I think going in there was the right thing to do as well. If not then yeah....massive mistake. Afghanistan needs more attention.

  7. The problem with the war is intent. What are the true intentions of the Bush administration? Several reasons were given but none of them were plausible. The war, logically, is wrong on many levels. If it was for fighting "worldwide" terrorism how does invading a small country do that? If we are there to help people then why have thousands been killed? Saddam Hussein killed thousands so we help by killing thousands more? Plus, why just Iraqis. You may call it selfish by not helping "those" people but isn't it more selfish by not helping anyone else in the process? Darfur comes in mind. How was Iraq such a threat to us when we destroyed it's army just years before? When no WMD's were found it's seems as if the administration started "reaching of straws" and came up with with everything from fighting terrorist to Saddam wanting to kill Bush's father. Not the sign if a well thought out plan for war.

    If the war is to help people then how many people do we have to help to stop terrorism?

    Sorry for all the questions but the unanswered questions are the reasons I'm not for the war. I can't follow someone who doesn't know where their going.

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