
What are your thoughts on this? if a person payed a fine for domestic abuse should the money go to the victim?

by  |  earlier

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or should the court system keep the money that the abuser had to pay?




  1. it is a fine, not a lottery payment.

    if you want direct payments, then sue civilly for damages incurred.

  2. Neither. It should go to local safe houses that provide rescue and support to battered women and children.

  3. It should go to the person that was abused, point blank. LOL

  4. The court system should keep the money.  We have to fund the police and court systems to continue to prosecute domestic violence.  Any way, it would make an incentive for false reporting and other problems.  A domestic abuse victim can sue in civil court if it is all about money and revenge.  

  5. Fines go to the court system/state for having to deal with the case to begin with.  Restitution goes to the victim.  If they dont speak up, they dont really seem to want anything back.  So theres a difference.

  6. I'm not sure either way. On one hand, I know finances are a real roadblock for women. On the other hand, I would imagine false reports would go up quite a bit, and take seriousness away from cases that really needed attention. Most judges will also take documentation from a domestic abuse support agency as official proof when there aren't police reports too, but women will still worry about finances.

  7. the money is for the police that were called and the car they responded in and the gas it took for them to get there and the judge that saw the case and the courthouse itself, electricity to run the place, etc...... it would sure be nice if the victim got that money but then we would get taxed even more if the fines paid weren't even to help fund the supporting organizations

  8. The court system would need to keep at least a portion of the fine to help pay the administrative costs. The people who run these programs need salaries to live on, too.

  9. And he will beat her again until she coughs up the money or blood. It

    pays the courts and police, allowing them to serve and protect. But the

    slime ball goes to jail.

  10. Well if your in america the court is going to keep it for making them do their job that they already get paid to do.  h**l they'll probably charge the victim too for the house call.

  11. Rather charging a person for domestic abuse, put him in the class of kg students and make him to learn the simplicity, cuteness, kindness & how to be happy in small things, if its still don't work then make a island and put all those abusive people in there BUT ITS NOT POSSIBLE I KNOW SO :

    Follow the rules simply.

  12. I would rather it went to programs and shelters for battered women and children.

  13. I don't think there should be money paid to the courts or to the victim in domestic abuse cases.  It is bad enough that they make you pay for classes.  I don't see why the court should make money off of someone else's misfortune.  My ex had me falsely arrested and I would hate to think that he would get money from that for real.  And now because police officers don't really know how to handle domestic abuse cases the women victims are getting arrested instead of the abusive men.  No I think that idea is for the birds.

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