
What are your thoughts on this news report?

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  1. Oh my, I can't remember the last time I've disagreed with Minx and Lightning on here.

    Basically, my opinion is that everything in there is true, although a lot was omitted.

    LSD is a rather interesting drug, and it can produce very effective results when combined with psychotherapy since it basically gives someone access to a very part of the patients mind (which is normally completely blocked).

    As such, LSD psychotherapy has been used for many things including curing life long alcoholics (which nothing generally works for), and (although I've only personally heard of 2 cases where it was used for this) causing a homosexual to become heterosexual.

    There are some risks and problems associated with LSD (and I for instance believe it's not a good drug to s***w around with), but it's a very powerful drug that can produce large benefits which are impossible to arrive at from any other means.  Truthfully, the actual potiental of LSD in psychotherapy remains largely unexplored since it was made illegal; but just the tip of the ice berg offers extreme promises.

    Hence I think saying "substituting one addiction for another" is a rather ignorant statement; just because both are substances used irresponsibly for recreational purposes doesn't mean they share that many similarities.  At the very least LSD is not addictive :P, and doesn't rip families apart.



  2. A bloody riduclous idea.

    You would be substituting 1 crutch for another.

    Maybe the commisioners of this project thought there would be less alcoholics as a result because they would throw themselves off high buildings thinking they could fly or commit suicide after having deep halucinations of sadness.

  3. Sounds goofy to me.

  4. Sounds pretty much like replacing one addiction with another to me ........ ;0)



  5. I'm sure many of the people answering this question have no experience with LSD and shouldn't be saying either way.  

    LSD is not addictive AT ALL.  It's about as addictive as eating dog f***s....  now that THAT'S out of the way...

    LSD is very confusing and spiritual.  Alcoholism cannot be contained once the LSD wears off, and even though LSD is very safe, I can vouch for the fact that if you stay high on it for more than a few days at once, you actually do start to lose touch with reality.  All in all, I don't think the report makes much sense at all.  Especially since LSD has a very uncomfortable come down and would only enhance the need for a drink because of the withdrawal from alcohol.

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