
What are your thoughts on today's society?

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What are your thoughts on today's society?




  1. Sick

  2. Too lax, as far as the main things go it seems like everything is okay. Nothing is immoral today. There is murders left and right and homosexuality is accepted. Some areas are even allowing homosexuals to marry! There is loads of greed and people replacing the Bible with pagan religions. We are for sure living in the last days! We must prepare for the return of the Good Lord. It draweth near!

  3. it takes god to clean up the messes made by jerks


  4. It sucks

  5. Scary

    Stay to myself

  6. Too much "It's all about me" syndrome.  

  7. I was thinking that we can't survive without Electricity..

    but todays society in my neigborhood in jersey, it's good.

    But then there is the bad.

  8. Boring.. always has been , always will be

  9. Each generation re-invents the wheel

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