
What are your thoughts on what happens after you die?

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Some people believe in heaven, reincarnation, 100 virgins, idk.. What is your take on dying? I always thought the mind and body stopped, and that was it. But ever since my sibling passed away, I can't stop wondering. I think of a song we used to sing, and that instant, it comes on the radio.. What to believe anymore?




  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your sibling.  It must really be hard for you. I'd like to be able to answer this question for you, but truthfully I don't know any more than you do.  I personally believe in heaven AND reincarnation.


  3.  in the bahai writings, that i hv read - its interesting - its nearness to god.  there's no hellfire.  its a spiritual state.  the next world knows of this world and yet we know not of it.  same analogy as baby in the womb.  we know its condition and yet not the other way around.  so its a blissful life and be rest assured that your sibling is fine....take care

  4. Your child is in paradise --- with God & His angels,They may be telling your child you will be there soon with him/her and the child is very happy.Its notelling what they are all doing but if the child was offered to come back to earth it would be very reluctant to do so & leave all the happenings there with all his friends.So just live so you can be there with it.Just believe.repent,confess Jesus as your savior,& be baptized (immersed) for the remission of your sins so you can be with your child.God bless i'm looking forward to it .

  5. Never ever in the history of mankind did anyone came back from death.


    Be good, don't hurt others, help earth, have a nice life. Now if there is something after death, you don't have to worry anyway, because you will face God ( that if there is one ) and have nothing to fear from him. If there is no God, than you nothing happenes !

  6. That same thing happened after my sister died. The song was an old song so it was unusual for it to play at that time so often. At her funeral just before the family got up for the last viewing, I seen her standing next to her casket. I wasn't the least bit afraid as I walked up and she smiled at me. I had to lower my head walking away because I could imagine what people would say if they seen me smiling! About a week later her daughter came over. I told her what I seen. She started crying and said she had seen her too but didn't tell anybody. She described  everything I had seen down to where my sister was standing, the smile on her face and how her body was wavy.(like a heat wave) When I told my brother what we had seen, He said, I know she was standing right next to me. Yes she was! My mother died 4 months ago. I dreamed I was crying begging her not to leave me. Her face was glowing as she touched my face and said "I will never leave you!" Her 7 living children placed a pink rose in her casket. Every day since then, I have seen pink roses. (it,s winter in Ohio) To top things off, I decided to use a picture of me when I was 2 years old and my sister at 6 as the wall paper for my cell phone. Only on the phone picture, right between me and my sister. Is my mothers face! She is not in the original picture! Nothing or nobody can ever convince me the end of this body is the end of life! NEVER!

  7. I too believe there is a spiritual afterlife and possibly reincarnation. God says we will see our loved ones again and I believe Him.

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