
What are your thoughts to this PUMA member's response to the VP pick?

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WriterGirl Says:

August 29th, 2008 at 12:49 pm

This is a shrewd pick to be sure, but I wouldn’t count too heavily on the PUMAs if I were you. Speaking as one, I can tell you that policy is important. And it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to vote for a woman who tauts an agenda that is clearly lacking pro-woman policy. Women aren’t dogs that chase bones. Or ovaries, if you want to be precise.

Kudos to McCain for shoring up the evangelical vote. But he just lost the Hillary voters. BIG time.




  1. I love it! I am a self proclaimed PUMA and was already going to vote McCain but this makes it even easier! McCain has lots of issues that I DO agree with and I trust and respect him more than the Dems. McCain in 08...Clinton in 2012.

  2. shes a smart, tough woman, and i am really excited about her and mccain. GO MCCAIN/PALIN '08

  3. People should base their vote on policy.

    McCain/Palin 2008  

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