
What are your tips for running a fast mile?

by  |  earlier

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Besides training and practice, I need tips on how i should run the actual mile during school

thanks, I want to get around 8:30.




  1. One thing that really helps is to have a really strong core. work on puch ups, crunches stuff like that.

    good luck

  2. im sure others will tell u the usual training tips and to get alot of sleep and eat healthy       and i would but ill just answer ure how to run question.  the biggest mistake distance runners make (i think anyway) is keeping their arm pulled up and not using them much.  u need to keep ure arms lower and pump them out a little more than u probably r use to. this will allow u to take longer stride hence forth allowing u to run faster with ou using much more energy. try out. :}

  3. Start the mile at a faster pace then your used to. A lot of people try to pace themselves too much then at the end of the race realize they could have run 1:00 minute faster. All the same that doesn't mean too sprint. Pick up your legs and go into a hard stride.

  4. something that i always been taught during training is that its important to keep your posture structured.  As you get tired people tend to lean forward so it gives them a feel that they are trying to get faster.  In contrast, it does the exact opposite, b/c you are leaning, the balance of your legs has to be stronger thus make a slower stride to make up the leaning balance.

    I've always found this by checking if my leg muscles are getting tired but my breathe isn't.  It is usually a sign of bad posture if you aren't tired but your leg seems to be hurting.

    it is possible one of the most common mistake.

    keep that in mind.

    run on!

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