
What are your top 3?

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Answer any of the following:

1) What are your top 3,5, or 10 most commonly used (or what you wish were) science tables/charts/data (i.g. Periodic Table of Elements)?

2) What are your top 3,5, or 10 scientists? (i.g. Isaac Newton)

3) Is this a really nerdy question to post on Yahoo! Answers?




  1. for 1) all i can think of is the periodic table (but then im only in secondary school

    2) 1st = leonardo da vinci, 2nd = Albert Einstien, 3rd = Socrates? i dunno, but one of them mathemetitcians.

    3) yes, it is a nerdy question, but probably not too nerdy for yahoo! answers. you get some really nerdy stuff on here.

  2. yes its nerdy! lol ...but i like Eienstien the best b/c he was so eccentric and smart. i rely most on the periodic table of elements. : )
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